Students shown videos of Biden pawing little girls and women and are shocked – IOTW Report

Students shown videos of Biden pawing little girls and women and are shocked

The MSM does a great job of keeping people ignorant of inconvenient facts about the left-

12 Comments on Students shown videos of Biden pawing little girls and women and are shocked

  1. I wonder if the idiot with the muzz head rag had the light go off in her cranium when she commented. The stupid can really be strong in some people.

  2. Take a good look at the posture and the body langue of the little girls and their Mothers. Perv ungilt Joe used his power and status force his victims into submission. His lame rationalization that he is just a lovable touchier feely old schooler is pure BS. He is in my opinion a dirty old perv.

  3. Disturbing on many levels.

    @2:01 that chick actually said “if, like, I was NOT related to him and he did that? That’s creepy.”

    @2:34 Game changer she says.

    I just wonder if this is ALL a RUSE.

    Her Highness was ‘polling’ HIGH/DRUNK right up until election night.

    So is Uncle Ernie Joe really up for it OR he is doing the DNC and BHO collateral damage necessary to get to Petey.


  4. ” @2:01 that chick actually said “if, like, I was NOT related to him and he did that? That’s creepy.” ”

    Right? That stuck out to me, too. What’s going on in her family? lol

  5. @ MJA – I have NO idea about her family but I DO know about the toxic poison that her professors are either feeding or hiding from her/them.

    Ya got me I guess? Good on YOU.


  6. There is a very liberal approach to sexuality that is based on criminal, fraudulent research. And which is now being taught at the university level. So Biden can be a “perv” get away with it? Horrors!

    EXCLUSIVE: University of North Texas Holds Lesson on ‘Sexual Pleasure and Response In Infants’
    Published 7 hours ago on Apr 25, 2019 By Patrick Howley

    Aug 25, 2014 –
    Alfred Kinsey was a pervert and a sex criminal
    Jonathon van Maren

    “But beyond this is the simple fact that Kinsey himself was a pervert and a sex criminal.

    For example, where did he get all of his data on the “sexual behavior of children”?
    The answer is nothing short of chilling. Dr. Judith Reisman (whose research has since been confirmed time and time again) explained in her ground-breaking work Sex, Lies and Kinsey that Kinsey facilitated brutal sexual abuse to get his so-called research:

    Kinsey solicited and encouraged pedophiles, at home and abroad, to sexually violate from 317 to 2,035 infants and children for his alleged data on normal “child sexuality.”
    Many of the crimes against children (oral and anal sodomy, genital intercourse and manual abuse) committed for Kinsey’s research are quantified in his own graphs and charts.”

  7. I think Joe’s running theme song should be….
    Each time I see a little girl
    Of five or six or seven
    I can’t resist a joyous urge
    To smile and say
    Thank heaven for little girls
    For little girls get
    Bigger every day
    Thank heaven for little girls
    They grow up in
    The most delightful way.
    Those little eyes
    So helpless and appealing
    When they were flashing
    Send you crashing
    Through the ceiling
    Thank heaven…

  8. @tRuth:
    Thanks for bringing up the Kinsey connection. I read Dr. Reisman’s book many years ago; it is a difficult read. The things alleged are truly criminal. I know most of the perps are dead but they will have to answer to the highest authority for what they did.

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