Clintonite Takes Guilty Plea In State Department Treason – IOTW Report

Clintonite Takes Guilty Plea In State Department Treason

Liberty Nation

A former State Department employee, who worked under both Bill and Hillary Clinton, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States on April 24.  According to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) press release, Candace Marie Claiborne, 63, committed the crime by:

“…lying to law enforcement and background investigators, and hiding her extensive contacts with, and gifts from, agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), in exchange for providing them with internal documents from the U.S. State Department.”

Claiborne, who had top secret security clearance, received “tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits.” Some of the favors were given directly to her, while others were provided to a family member to supposedly pass along to the former federal employee. Benefits received included cash to her USAA account, international travel and vacations, a fully furnished apartment, Chinese New Year’s gifts, tuition at a Chinese fashion school, a monthly stipend, and many cash payments. More

She spied for the Chinese for nearly 10 years and even rated two intelligence handlers, but Claiborne claims she never gave them “classified” information, so the Feds didn’t charge her with espionage. More

11 Comments on Clintonite Takes Guilty Plea In State Department Treason

  1. No classified information to the Chinese. Evidence uncovered in the case included a journal entry by Claiborne who said she could generate $20,000 a year by working for the MSS.

    Hillary’s breached illegal home based e-mail system had thousands of classified documents and she and her foundation received $100s of Millions.

    Yet the FBI and DOJ chose not to prosecute.
    Equal Justice under the law? Not if you are an elite Clinton.

  2. “…but Claiborne claims she never gave them “classified” information, so the Feds didn’t charge her with espionage.”

    I think O.J. Simpson’s dream team missed this little-known loophole in the law.

  3. “She spied for the Chinese for nearly 10 years”
    Why, that means she was hired by…the…Obama administration. Huh. What a shock.

    Edit: My mistake. she was hired by the Clintons. Same diff.

  4. She only shared Hillary’s emails about horse-faced Chelsea’s wedding…..

    Throw everyone at the DOJ (both sides) who handled this into Saddam’s woodchipper!

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