Biden Won’t Commit to Serving Only One Term – IOTW Report

Biden Won’t Commit to Serving Only One Term


WFB: Former Vice President Joe Biden is seeking the White House in 2020, and again in 2024 if he’s elected, he told The View on Friday.

On the ABC talk show, the freshly declared 2020 Democratic candidate addressed concerns about his age. If he defeated President Donald Trump, he would be 78 when he took office in 2021, making him the oldest president ever.

“Would you do one term?” co-host Abby Huntsman asked.

“No,” Biden said. “Let me put it this way … I think it’s important for people. It’s a legitimate question to ask about my age … Hopefully I can demonstrate not only with age has come wisdom and experience that make things a lot better, but that’s for you all to decide.”

If Biden served until 2029, he would be 86 years old when he left office.  read more



12 Comments on Biden Won’t Commit to Serving Only One Term

  1. “Biden Won’t Commit to Serving Only One Term”

    given his age, and deficiencies, I would be open to hearing arguments for his being able to serve his terms concurrently.
    He’s a friggin’ international criminal.

  2. One thing is absolutely crystalline clear for sure – if this mutt gets elected – America no longer exists – so it won’t fucking matter.

    Either massive voter fraud or massive retardation hysteria – one or the other.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’d like to say he won’t get far enough to make a VP pick, but it will be the only thing to boost his standings and give the Media something to talk about in order to deflect away from all his frickin gaffes and stupidity!


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