The Most Damning Piece of Evidence Suggesting Anita Hill Lied Comes From Thomas Sowell – IOTW Report

The Most Damning Piece of Evidence Suggesting Anita Hill Lied Comes From Thomas Sowell

I love this, when simple logic escapes the people trying to concoct a lie, exposing them as evil, as well as dumb.

Daily Wire-

Hill initially asked to be kept anonymous when her accusations were presented to Thomas. But if her accusations were true, then Thomas would know that the accusations were launched by Hill, so why ask for anonymity?

Sowell elaborates: “The really fatal fact about Anita Hill’s accusations was that they were first made to the Senate Judiciary Committee in confidence, and she asked that her name not be mentioned when the accusations were presented to Judge Thomas by those trying to pressure him to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court.

“Think about it: The accusations referred to things that were supposed to have happened when only two people were present,” adds Sowell. “If the accusations were true, Clarence Thomas would automatically know who originated them. Anita Hill’s request for anonymity made sense only if the charges were false.”


There are more points made HERE, but the one above is the nail in the coffin.

ht/ hot salsa

21 Comments on The Most Damning Piece of Evidence Suggesting Anita Hill Lied Comes From Thomas Sowell

  1. I remember watching a Forensic Files where a murderer was busted by the 911 operator!

    A kid called and said he heard a gunshot and his father’s bedroom door was locked and he feared he might’ve shot himself.

    While he was on the line, and while the police were on the way, the kid mentioned something about bleeding from the head.

    The 911 operator asked, ‘how do you know he’s bleeding from the head, the door is locked?”

    The kid had all the brain power of Anita Hill and the rest of the democrats looking to torpedo Thomas.

    Sowell deftly exposes what these assholes never thought of when they sent Hill in to destroy the consent process for Justice Thomas.

  2. Let’s see, lemme think.

    Was Anita Hill the one accused Justice Thomas of placing a pubic hair on her pepsi? Am I mis-remembering? Or was it some other fraud-based accusation pushed by sicko lefties?

    They come up with the wierdest details. Picture them sitting in a room detailing the story. They are nasty childish shrews.

  3. I remember thinking, when she said Clarence Thomas talked about the porno Long Dong Silver, “how is the sexual harassment?”

    If I saw a movie with a guy with an 18″ dong I’d talk about it at the office.

    No way.
    This world suck.

  4. Clarence Thomas did not play by the rules. (Supposed) conservatives, spelled R-I-N-O’s, were supposed to withdraw from society and go live in a cave when such an accusation was made against them. Thomas did not do that, which is probably why they hate him as much as they do.

  5. Hill testified she feared she would lose her job. But she was the number 2 official at the EEOC – which is the federal organization that makes the rules pertaining to sexual harassment, and which includes a strong penalty for retaliation. So Hill not only knew the laws and regulations – she worked for the organization that made them.

  6. “If I saw a movie with a guy with an 18″ dong I’d talk about it at the office.”

    …that’s kind of an individual tolerance thing. I personally would not have been comfortable doing so, at least with female co-workers, but I didn’t even care for watching the scene in “Ghost Story” where the guy fell out of the window at the beginning with his penis visibly waving in the breeze on the way down when I went to watch it in the theater (yes, long time ago) when I was with my girlfriend, so maybe that’s just me.

    …although, while I may have seen a blue movie or two in my misspent youth, I wasn’t really there to look at the DUDE, just sayin’…

  7. What made it obvious that Hill was lying was the grotesque nature of some of her charges. Until these statements about “pubic hairs on Cokes” and having a closed room session talking about porn movies, her story was a nothing burger, which wouldn’t have derailed an appointment to assistant dogcatcher. So she had to make up more extreme charges

    But these charges were ludicrous; the kind of thing that would have been laughed out of any kangaroo court on the planet. Who but a lunatic would think “Who put a pubic hair on my Coke was funny.” And outside of Travis Bickle in “Taxi Driver”, who would use porn movies as an opening gambit in seducing anybody, except for a crack whore?

    And all this was thrown at a guy who was such a goody two shoes that the only dirt that they could throw at him was that he laughed one time when hearing the name “Long Dong Silver” (He didn’t bring that subject up* himself BFH, he reacted to it) And Who wouldn’t have laughed at that? Billy Graham would have laughed at “Long Dong Silver”.

    So the only way this could be remotely believable is if Thomas had some pathological weakness for scrawny, high strung, ultra liberal black women. Which is possible seeing as how he soon married a chubby, mild mannered, conservative, red Irish woman …. ie, the absolute polar opposite of Anita Hill

    *(I believe I made a pun there)

  8. @Johnny, they do come up with weird stuff. I wonder if they think the stranger the story the more believable?
    Pubic hair on a Coke can, peeing on a bed, high school gang rapes, being in Vietnam when you weren’t, ducking sniper fire in Bosnia, we’re only going to tax the rich, we aren’t taking your guns….,,

  9. I wonder if they think the stranger the story the more believable?

    Just that creepy and that sick and maybe they’re doing their best.

    We should make a list of all the nasty schemes. May take a few days to assemble.

    The pee on the bed and the pube on the pepsi are dem cleassics.

  10. The latest edition of Imprimis (published by Hillsdale College) is on just such tactics – Politics by Other Means: The Use and Abuse of Scandal.

    I love Hillsdale College.

  11. During the Christine Blazy Ford debacle, Ford feared she would “suffer like Anita Hill”. in addition to being handed multiple professorships at many left-wing universities, here from Wikipedia are some of the “suffering” the phony Ms. Hill was subjected to:
    “Hill received the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession’s “Women of Achievement” award in 1992.[66] In 2005, Hill was selected as a Fletcher Foundation Fellow. In 2008 she was awarded the Louis P. and Evelyn Smith First Amendment Award[67] by the Ford Hall Forum. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for Southern Vermont College in Bennington, Vermont.[68] Her opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991 is listed as No. 69 in American Rhetoric’s Top 100 Speeches of the 20th Century (listed by rank).[69][70] She was inducted into the Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame in 1993.[71] On January 7, 2017, Hill was inducted as an honorary member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority at their National Executive Board Meeting in Dallas, Texas.[72] The following year, Hill was awarded an honorary LLM degree by Wesleyan University.[73] The Wing’s Washington, D.C. location has a phone booth dedicated to Hill.[74]”

    Yes, the poor thing has suffered her whole career.

  12. I watched most of those hearings live via CNN international . At the time I was not political. I needed up watching only because I was out of the country and it was the only going on in English. As a woman who has been sexually harassed, not abused, I knew immediately that she was lying. After I told on my manager for inappropriate behavior and nothing was done, I quit a very good paying job. No way was I sticking around that creep! The things she accused Thomas of were worse than what I experienced.
    I also didn’t buy Thomas’ answer that he had no opinion on abortion. I suspected that he was pro life, as I have always been,so it didn’t bother me.


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