Biden sings – Buy a Shotgun – IOTW Report

Biden sings – Buy a Shotgun

ht/ hot salsa

17 Comments on Biden sings – Buy a Shotgun

  1. Buy a double barrel shotgun and then go out and fire two rounds. Now that you’re empty, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. I’m surprised his brain functions at a level enabling breathing.

  2. A friend of my dad had an old JC Whitney 10 gauge shotgun with a very long barrel he used for bird hunting. He told us that he’d wait for the birds to fly over the horizon before he’d shoot at them and we being in our teens (my brother and I) actually believed him. Just the thing for getting those dindu nuffins and other neer do wells while they’re running away.

  3. This is the same blowhard who falsely claimed that his first wife and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver, because that sounded better than the truth. The other driver had not been drinking and didn’t cause the accident. There is nothing Barry’s Boy ever says that shouldn’t be fact checked.

  4. Marco, that is right. Biden lied about the truck driver. He practically ruined the man’s family.

    If I remember correctly, Biden’s then wife pulled out in front of that truck.

    As Biden did that, he’s done other things we dont know about. I don’t look at him, can’t.

  5. oolook: Never let a personal family tragedy go to waste. He pulled the same thing with the death of his son, Beau Biden. Made all the talk shows, choking up like Ed Muskie in New Hampshire in a snowstorm. He’s a very sensitive man when he’s not threatening to beat up Trump.

  6. Biden knows full well, by the time his dense wife looks over their balcony, a team of Secret Service agents would have already taken out any assailants, trespassing on his property. He truly thinks conservatives are as stupid as he is to believe that “If it were me-shotgun scenario” crap.

  7. Now you know why I say he’s the mutant combination of Karl Childers and the Winnebago man who loves to drink, sing Villages commercials, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three, tells off-color 7-11 dwarf jokes, plays mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds!
    Moe tom’s got it right. The guy is a dick!

  8. Geoff – Common error. Higgins was a brand name sold mostly by Sears before changing to Ted Williams. Quality guns made by major gun companies and branded JC Higgins. If it would have been Whitney would advise stand clear while being fired. Whitney dealt in poor quality crap mostly. My cramps had a Higgins revolver. If memory serves correctly it was made by High Standard.


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