Why Are the McCains Able To Forgive Biden But Not Trump? – IOTW Report

Why Are the McCains Able To Forgive Biden But Not Trump?

PJM: A month ago, John McCain’s daughter Meghan defended Joe Biden by saying, “With all due respect, I know Joe Biden very well. He’s a very classy man. And I’m so sorry, but I cannot sit here and let his record or his character in any way being taken down.” Joe Biden is a lot of things… but a classy man he is not.

I, for one, will never forget that despicable moment when Joe Biden was campaigning in 2012 and said to a group of mostly African-Americans that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party would “put you all back in chains.” So, no, Meghan, that is not something a man of class and character would say. But, what is perhaps more shocking is that according to sources close to the McCain family, they will back Biden’s presidential bid. John McCain’s widow Cindy denies this at the moment, but should Biden become the Democratic nominee (which he won’t) I think we have reason to believe they will endorse him over Trump.

The McCains have definitely not been shy with their anti-Trumpism. Meghan McCain has said she’ll never forgive Donald Trump for attacking her father, but it’s curious why she has forgiven Joe Biden, and even defended Biden’s character, considering some of the slanderous attacks Biden made against John McCain during the 2008 campaign.

Back then it was widely reported that Joe Biden and John McCain had been longtime friends, and Biden even mentioned it in his speeches. But to hear the things he said about McCain at the time you would think they were longtime enemies. Once he joined Obama’s ticket, Biden put political aspirations above their friendship and repeatedly made low blows against McCain. Sure, many things can be written off as just part of politics, but in light of the disaster that became of the Obama years, and expressions of support of Biden by members of the McCain family, I decided to look back at some of the things Joe Biden said about John McCain that his family seems to be willing to forget. Sadly, even John McCain seemed to put the past attacks behind him when he chose to have both Obama and Biden deliver eulogies at his funeral.

In October 2008, Joe Biden denounced John McCain as “an angry man” and accused him of taking “the low road to the highest office in the land.”  That’s a low blow for someone who was supposedly friends with the man. When Sarah Palin rightly acknowledged Barack Obama’s friendship with terrorist Bill Ayers, Biden said, “To have a vice presidential candidate raise the most outrageous inferences – the ones that John McCain’s campaign is condoning – is simply wrong.” Did Obama have a relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers? Yes, he did. But to Biden, bringing that up, and questioning Obama’s character for who he chose to associate with was just a distraction. “Every single false charge and baseless accusation is an attempt to get you to stop paying attention to what’s going on in this country. Beyond the attacks, what is John McCain really offering?” he said. Yet, when the Obama campaign accused McCain of racism, where was Joe? When Obama accused McCain of trying to scare voters by mentioning Obama’s “funny name” or that “he doesn’t look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills,” I never once heard Joe Biden come to his “friend’s” defense.  more here

15 Comments on Why Are the McCains Able To Forgive Biden But Not Trump?

  1. The bridge between the Trumps and McCains will never be mended. Both parties behaved abominably towards each other and the badblood will never subside.

    I think what ultimately killed McCain was the simple fact that Trump accomplished what he could not, and it consumed him. The deciding vote to repeal and replace, and handing over the “salacious and unverified” Steele Dossier to the FBI, both were motivated by an unhealthy animus that McCain constantly fed.

    McCain was always wobbly on his conservatism but his last few years, he could not get out of his own way re: Trump hate. And requesting that Obama and Biden offer eulogies at his own funeral, are you kidding me?

  2. Biden was free to say horrible things about McCain in 2012; McCain was in on the “fix”; he threw the election.

    As far as Meghan is concerned, I think she appreciated all the attention Joe gave her: shoulder rubbing, hair sniffing, etc.

  3. Greezy Joe Biden is “classy”? I call bullshit on that. Greezy Joe has repeatedly proven himself to be a low-down lying in-the-gutter piece of shit politician.

  4. Meghan “Tubs” McCain and her homewrecking mother have to keep up the vitriol against Trump because they know when a Secret Grand Jury convenes to review everybody’s part in trying to bring down the President McCain will come out looking like the traitor he always has been. If they keep up the screaming at Trump they can try to play the Trump taking revenge against their poor, dead old national treasure and not realize that Trump has no influence in the Grand Jury. It’s time all the truth about McCain came out from Viet Nam, to the Lincoln Savings and Loan, to halting the POW searches to the attempt to topple a President. Maybe the truth will help scrub clean the grime he and others have left behind on the Shining City.

  5. The McCains will not forgive Trump, because Trump’s criticisms are true.

    McCain is a cowardly traitor, and he stabbed Americans in the back in Vietnam, and he did it again with the Obamacare vote. And he did it multiple times to Sarah Palin, during their campaign and then disinviting her to his funeral. That is McCain’s legacy.

  6. When it comes right down to it, why should any rational, patriotic person give a RRA what any of those fetid, self serving swamp bubbles says or “thinks”?

  7. After all of Joe’s ‘antics’ over the years, from the picture, We will be informed by the MSM, That Joe was doing a life saving heart message (in Biden speak, ‘titty twister’),,,
    And McCain smiles, lived, a Lil’ bit, Lil’ bit and was grateful.


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