Dice- What Will a Trump Win in 2020 Do To the Left’s Existing Derangement Syndrome? – IOTW Report

Dice- What Will a Trump Win in 2020 Do To the Left’s Existing Derangement Syndrome?

14 Comments on Dice- What Will a Trump Win in 2020 Do To the Left’s Existing Derangement Syndrome?

  1. “What Will a Trump Win in 2020 Do To the Left’s Existing Derangement Syndrome?”

    …Jonestown II, hopefully, but on a national scale.

    …after all, they’re ALREADY used to drinking the Kool-Aid…

  2. Mithrandir is absolutely correct, because Government is their mother and father liberals are perpetual toddlers stomping their feet when they do not get their way.

    They will never grow up because they have been instructed to remain dependent on Government.

    Antifa is a perfect example of what happens when you give a toddler a stick.

  3. Violence, riots, cowardly attacks, and civil unrest. They have ratcheted up the speech for years and tested the waters with antifa, BLM, and attacks on MAGA hat wearers.

    They think if the threaten and harass that politicians and opponents will surrender.

    They would be WRONG.

  4. I had to turn off the news twice, in disgust I might add, after the previous two elections before Trump won. And that was it. To watch these folks just flat-out lose it and continue to lose it years later makes me think the invasion of the body-snatchers movie was actually reality tv.

  5. Supernightshade – – one can only hope. Or they will try to start a civil war which will end very badly for their side. California, Oregon, or Washington cannot be allowed to secede because they would allow China to come in and establish bases and nuclear facilities.

  6. No, no, no, no, and furthermore NO. WE don’t secede, we kick the lying evil murdering progs OUT. I love my country and refuse to give it up to them. They hate it here, let THEM move out.

    I hear Venezuela is losing a lot of their population so there’s plenty of room.

  7. Chrissy Tiegen is very stupid to think she can’t keep up with POTUS just because he reportedly blocked her on Twitter, and/or she thinks her fans are stupid, which they all are anyway. She is also very stupid about almost everything else in the world!

  8. We should start advocating for the idea that Trump should get a 3rd term – as “reparations” for his 1st term being ruined by the harassment of ALMOST ALL of the ‘ruling elites’ of our country. The best time to start doing this would be right after a big victory in 2020.

    It couldn’t happen, but it’d be a good way to horrify the crybully types. The only good thing about people who are always angry and use it to bully others, is that they are so easy to antagonize into mouth-foaming, self-destructive frenzy.


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