Switzerland: Over 80 Percent of Somali Migrants on Welfare – IOTW Report

Switzerland: Over 80 Percent of Somali Migrants on Welfare

BE: According to newly released data, several migrant groups of different national origins in Switzerland have welfare dependency rates well above 50 per cent, with over 80 per cent of Somalis in the country taking state handouts.

The data was gathered and released by both the Federal Statistical Office and the State Secretariat for Migration and shows that the 4,000 or so Somalis in Switzerland are by far the most prone to being on government benefits with 83.7 per cent relying on state income, 20 Minutes reports.

While Somalis are by far and wide the largest recipients of welfare, several other nationalities also have rates of over 50 per cent, such as Eritreans at 54.7 per cent and Angolans at 54 per cent.  more

13 Comments on Switzerland: Over 80 Percent of Somali Migrants on Welfare

  1. They were useless before they moved… why would they not be useless everywhere? Again, the libertarian/democrat song and dance, “They need opportunity!”

    Yeah, the opportunity to be worthless where there is a bigger paycheck for being worthless.

  2. An IQ of sixtyish isn’t going to cut any mustard at all in a post industrial society. Too many things to learn, too many things to know, too many overt and opaque connections to make. There just isn’t enough brain power to operate successfully in the economy. Take welfare, do crime, that there is enough mental horsepower for. And that is what they do.

  3. “Opportunity” in the libertarian/democrat lexicon is just another way to say, “We are going to fuck EVERYONE for the sake of degenerate losers”.

    “Why do you want to reside here, Mr Somali?”

    “I shitrock! Shovel! Hammer!”

    “We have enough Americans who can do that poorly, and enough Americans who can do those things quite well. Get the fuck out, and don’t come back.”

    But the libertarian/democrat scum sucking maggot will call YOU a coward and a cocksucker for not greeting these retarded criminals with open arms.

  4. Isn’t liberalism great? Would be nice to see that human garbage tear Switzerland to pieces. THAT’S what it’s going to take to wake Switzerland the eff up and rid their beautiful country of worthless human garbage. Every nation that turns it’s back on God is filled up with Muslims. When the hell is Switzerland going to wake the eff up?

  5. Close the boarders. Southern, Northern and all ports of entry. Deport all illegals. Remove any muslims that cannot demonstrate value of any kind to this country. Shoot the rest.

  6. Look up the average IQ of Somalia.
    Then ask yourself if you would dare to hire one
    for anything more complicated than pushing a broom
    with very soft bristles so they would not put out
    their eye.


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