Child Services At The Border – IOTW Report

Child Services At The Border

Thanks to the incredibly stupid asylum laws of this country a thriving business in child trafficking has sprung up on our border. Children are loaned out to illegals wanting to claim asylum for their phony son or daughter who is then taken back over the border to be rented out by the next unaccompanied adult seeking to game the system. More

5 Comments on Child Services At The Border

  1. The solution to this is simple: DNA testing (or even fingerprints) of children to make sure they belong to the adults that accompany them and facial recognition technology to screen and followed by DNA confirmation of all newly arriving children.

    Wouldn’t even cost all that much to institute it.

    But I’ll bet the Democrats would find a way to block it, calling it racist or a violation of civil rights or something.

  2. Europe opened the borders and look at them now.😥 do we want whats happening in France England happen here? Close the border.take away the welcome mat and patrol it day and night

  3. One simple test for veracity of refugee status
    Have them lift their shirt
    If you cannot count their ribs they are too well fed to be refugees
    They and their suspicious offspring should be led south past the giant wall and a call made to the representative embassy for pick up.

  4. Fook a bunch of refugees…. They need to straighten out their own countries and stop invading U.S.. Since when did showing up with kids make invaders special?
    Build a fookin’ wall, man it every 300 yards with BMG 50s and do not ask questions… ANYONE found breaching the wall is shot as an alien invader! Pretty fookin’ simple! I with to high Heaven, we would get serious about this invasion……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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