“This is not going to be the country of white people.” – Ilhan Omar – IOTW Report

“This is not going to be the country of white people.” – Ilhan Omar

White a-holes line up to vote for her.


Imagine if a white Republican had made a speech in which he or she asserted, “This is not going to be the country of black people.”

Their political career would be finished and their reputation would tainted for the rest of their life.

But since the last acceptable form of racism is racism against white people, Omar’s statement is a mere footnote.

Omar is still whining about Trump drawing attention to her absurd statement that 9/11 was “some people (who) did something” as if she is the victim.

For weeks, the media has helped Omar push the narrative that criticism of her is tantamount to inciting violence and far worse than her original ludicrous statement.

During the rally, her supporters chanted “hands off Ilhan,” attempting to further the idea that she should be immune from criticism just because she wears and Islamic headscarf and claims victimhood.

11 Comments on “This is not going to be the country of white people.” – Ilhan Omar

  1. This is the result of supporting female genitally mutilation and being doused in oil and lit on fire.
    During the rally, her supporters chanted “hands off Ilhan,”
    All 3 of them were not present at her Muslim Baptism.

  2. The commies use these lo IQ 3RD world
    savages to eradicate us from the land
    our fore fathers built… The progressive
    future don’t need no white Christians around
    and black Christians either for that matter.

  3. I just can’t talk about this vile, sullen, inbred cretin anymore. I can’t expect the semi-retarded ingrate to love her Stepcountry, but by God, she is not going to trash it like that from an elected office. She’s just trolling for death threats to cry about. Get her the fuck out of there, Minnesota.

  4. Is it stage 3 cancer or stage 4 cancer when I decide to rectify some evils?….Right now I just have some sinus problems ( Pollen ), but I’m willing

  5. So, Ilhan, you wants to turn us into the same Mad Max shithole that your family fled thirty years ago.

    Just understand that if that happens there wont be a USA to come bail you out like the last time, because you and your retarded ilk destroyed it

  6. @willy’s,
    stage 4……….. Don’t do anything rash. This scrunt has to go but we need not end up in prison FOR her.
    By the way, a republican cannot even refer to someone as a macaca or state, “let’s not monkey this up” without being summarily dismissed. WTF? I hate everybody!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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