‘Double standard’: Activists say Biden’s hardline drugs policies didn’t apply to his children’s cocaine and marijuana use – IOTW Report

‘Double standard’: Activists say Biden’s hardline drugs policies didn’t apply to his children’s cocaine and marijuana use


During his 36 years in the Senate, Joe Biden helped craft some of the strictest anti-drug laws of the 1980s and 1990s. But drug reform advocates say his own children were able to avoid the brunt of these laws because they were white and wealthy.

The 76-year-old former vice president’s daughter Ashley, now 37, was arrested for marijuana possession at age 17. Records show the prosecutor declined to pursue the charges. A decade later, a “friend” of Ashley Biden attempted to sell the New York Post a 43-minute hidden-camera video purportedly showing Ashley snorting cocaine. The police did not get involved.

Biden’s son Hunter, now 49, joined the Navy Reserves in 2012 after receiving two special waivers, one because he was three years over the age limit of 40 and another for a “drug-related incident when he was a young man.” A month into his service, he tested positive for cocaine during a random drug test and was discharged.   MORE HERE

12 Comments on ‘Double standard’: Activists say Biden’s hardline drugs policies didn’t apply to his children’s cocaine and marijuana use

  1. “…able to avoid the brunt of these laws because they were white and wealthy.”

    Horse Goddamned shit. White had nothing to do with it. How many athletes or celebrities of color have we seen who have avoided any semblance of justice? There exists a two tiered justice system in which those with connections to power avoid ramifications for their behavior.


    🔴 Expunge and remove all traces of marijuana convictions

    🔴 People can actually fill out a JOB application and not automatically get rejected.

    🔴 People can join the military without rejection.

    🔴 Frees up police.

    🔴 Frees up courts, jails, prisons, saving us money.

    🔴 People can work INTERNATIONALLY and actually be productive and pay taxes.

    🔴 Keeps people off of welfare. (saving money too)

    “But that is just another step to legitimizing hard drugs like cocaine and heroine!”

    Listen, if they are taking marijuana and heroine, they will be always using heroine whether marijuana is legal or not, those hardcore addicts are not employable anyway.

  3. No shit – “the opioid crisis” would be greatly diminished if certain government officials would quit being old ladies and let adults legally have what adults want to have.

  4. “Double standard”?

    No. There is one standard. The Party decides if a “matter” is a “crime”. This time. For now.


    Well, there you have it. Not members, in good standing, of The Party. Committing “matters” that The Party decides, these times, to call “crimes”.

    (Maybe we should all stop fretting about NAMBLA calling us “bad” daddies.)

  5. @CC May 2, 2019 at 9:26 pm

    > would be greatly diminished if certain government officials would quit being old ladies and let adults legally have what adults want to have

    Not “adults”. The enemies of The Party. And rubbing their noses in it is what masters are burdened to do.

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