Why the elderly support the right – IOTW Report

Why the elderly support the right


Stronger than derp


9 Comments on Why the elderly support the right

  1. I’m still waiting for the last bunch who said they were moving out of the USA after November 2016. Go anywhere, just get the hell out of here.

    For once, I would like the bastards to keep their promises.

  2. You wouldn’t believe the households I’ve done work in where there adult kids are still living with them. Usually unemployed freeloaders. It’s sad.

  3. …sad thing is, a lot of elderly DON’T support President Trump.

    Old hippies don’t.

    People who listen to the leftist AARP don’t.

    People who believe Democrat lies about throwing Grandma off a cliff don’t

    Greatest Generation members who think FDR was a great President, JFK was a great President, and the Democrat Party is still anything like either one don’t.

    People who don’t realize Obamacare is ALREADY stealing from Medicare don’t.

    People who’s main source of retirement income is Social Security, and that it’s President Trump’s fault that it’s running out of money, don’t.

    Old Black people who don’t understand anything, but heard that President Trump is racists and disrespectful of that Obama boy, don’t.

    Last, those who have aged into death are a SOLID Democrat block.

    …so, memes aside, elderly support for our President can be chimerical and should NOT be taken for granted.

  4. Elderly or young, if they’re sitting in front of the tv all day with their mouths open, watching LSM news spew the same 3 minute talking points all day while they’re waiting for a reality show or wheel of fortune to come on, they don’t really know what’s going on anyway. They’ll vote based on what they heard 10 minutes before they put the ballot in their hands.

    Talk to your elders and your college kids regularly or some psycho who doesn’t even know what sex they are will step in and do the talking for you.

  5. Wisdom Charlie Brown…that’s why. And yewts no nutin’.

    Now give me 5 cents. I need it.

    Given cost adjustment since then, I’ll take a buck.


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