Revealed: Barack Obama Slammed Hillary Clinton, Savaged Her Campaign After 2016 – IOTW Report

Revealed: Barack Obama Slammed Hillary Clinton, Savaged Her Campaign After 2016

RS: We are apparently stuck in some layer of hell that requires us to constantly relive the 2016 election. Democrats are still trying to re-litigate with their various Trump investigations and not a month goes by without Hillary Clinton herself letting us know the election was stolen from her.

Former President Barack Obama is no exception as new revelations in an upcoming book reveal his reaction to Hillary Clinton’s loss.

Former President Barack Obama was unhappy with Hillary Clinton and her failed “soulless campaign” in 2016, saying he saw her loss as a “personal insult.”

The new details come from a recently released update to New York Times Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker’s book Obama: The Call of History.

The new edition, which includes Obama’s reaction to the 2016 election, said Obama compared himself to Michael Corleone, the titular character of “The Godfather.” Obama thought he “almost got out” of office untouched, like a mob boss avoiding a hit job.

That’s pretty rough, although is he wrong? Her campaign was essentially rudderless, with no real purpose articulated and led by one of the most robotic, inauthentic people to ever run.  more here

14 Comments on Revealed: Barack Obama Slammed Hillary Clinton, Savaged Her Campaign After 2016

  1. Women hate her, and blacks despise her for calling them “super predators.”

    The woman has no conscience. Adopts an Alabama accent, and thinks nothing of standing at a church pulpit to moralize everyone about women and children, both of which she abused or turned a blind eye to it.

  2. Obola is about as soulful as a roll of toilet tissue — so what’s that make her?

    His second term was stolen and she thought she would get the same dirty rag. It didn’t happen.

    But watch out for next time. That dirty rag is coming back, bigger, and dirtier than ever.

  3. Are you telling me that America rejecting Hillary Clinton was an insult to barack the destroyer?
    Well, thats a good start. But until that miserable muzz fooker is wearing an orange jumpsuit I will never be satisfied. The damage that cumsucker did to this country should be punishable by hard time.
    Not getting my hopes up, but seriously. He did damage to America that osama bin laden only dreamed of.

    And what sort of idiot nation elects someone named Hussein Obama 7’years after 9/11/2001?
    And then reelects him after he’s enacted internal war against American citizens.

    Yeah. Im still not over it.

  4. B O had the goal to destroy the USA and he really gave little thought to who would follow since his ‘legacy’ was in-place and they had already won in his tiny mind (smarty-est boy in the room!). Had they NOT been beholdin’ to Da Clintons they might have found a usable replacement. But my Faith sez, the guy upstairs had other ideas. Trump was CHOSEN.

  5. Now that the Walls Are Closing In on the spying and all the crimes committed to prop up Hillary and knock down Trump, it looks like somebody has decided to throw somebody else under the bus to save his own hide. If the cabal has to choose between The First Black Preezy and Crooked Failure Hillary, guess who gets sacrificed? You’re in deep shit, Hotsauce.

  6. Uh oh. I bet Jack Daniels isn’t happy about Barry horning in on his exclusive contract to slam Hillary around,
    However, JD may only have exclusive right to slam her into furniture, door facings & walls.

    Barry imagining himself the head of an organized crime family is fairly accurate. He is a member of a crime family, but maybe only the puppet Don. He never seemed as smart as Don Corelone, but is as soulless, self-centered, and vicious as Michael.


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