“What if we pissed on all the fetuses in the graveyard?” – Soulless and Lost Giggling Monster – IOTW Report

“What if we pissed on all the fetuses in the graveyard?” – Soulless and Lost Giggling Monster


ht/ tammy


17 Comments on “What if we pissed on all the fetuses in the graveyard?” – Soulless and Lost Giggling Monster

  1. I hope they ROT….in THEIR activist hell.

    OR for their atheisism? Worms eating them and all…the Decomposers devouring the dumb dumbs.

  2. Self centered, ignorant lost souls. But young, maybe enough time left to realize the evil they advocate, repent, and change their fate. I hope & pray so. For all of them, but sadly maybe only a few of them will.

  3. Watched that earlier. If I were their parents I would hang my head in shame and ask God to forgive them and me.

    I often wonder if these girls/women who have no remorse over killing their babies will one day see the child(ren) they murdered before God casts them away.

  4. TDB Woodman. Unfortunately you are probably correct. Confronting them with machine gun fire would not bother me. I’ll do the time. But I don’t have a machine gun.
    Oh, oh did I day something wrong? Will I get a visit? Or be banned?

  5. Well by the looks of them, I’d bet not one of them ever has been in bed with a guy. So those in the video claiming to have had an abortion? Very doubtful. They’ll all be 250lb militant lesbos one day, with worthless majors in gender studies in one hand and $150K in student debt in the other.

  6. MJA May 3, 2019 at 10:58 pm

    Maybe it’s guilt. People act like beasts sometimes when they can’t properly express their shame or sorrow, or regret. Uncontrolled emotions, very primitive.

    You may be right.

    My smokin’ girlfriend in high school would giggle when she was in trouble. She said she didn’t know why she did it and couldn’t stop it.

    Irrelevant, but she was also very good lookin’.

  7. Kill them? Not an option for me, even though that’s the big red EASY button flashing on the desktop and they deserve it. I’d call it very late term abortion.

    Actively working against them and praying for them is all I know to do at the moment.

  8. Perform for the Organ Grinder, little monkeys.
    Go on the little screen and see your performance, how cool you look!
    There is your only reward.
    Now you can go behave with even more indiscretion, and pursue your pointless orgasms. Maybe you’ll get some more likes!


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