Red Flag Laws and Individual Rights – IOTW Report

Red Flag Laws and Individual Rights

American Thinker: Historically, the synonymous concepts of liberty and freedom were assumed to be the inherent right of every citizen born in our country.  Not so much these days.

In my home state of Colorado recently, the Democrat-controlled legislature signed a ‘red flag’ bill into law.  Joining fourteen other leftist-controlled states, Colorado’s ‘red flag’ law enables the forceful removal of a citizen’s firearms. My state represents another win in the left’s ongoing crusade to separate Americans from their personal liberty.

On the surface, ‘red flag’ laws appear reasonable.  When a person exhibits warning signs they are an extreme danger to themselves and others, the best course of action is to intervene by taking away their arms.  Common sense, the Left argues.  After all, if a court determines a person poses a societal risk, forcibly seizing their firearms reduces that risk.  Right?

Unfortunately, history screams of ‘well-intentioned’ legislation by the left that resulted in unintended negative consequences.

The mortgage crisis that began in 2007 was a direct result of ‘well-intentioned’ Democrats.

The Clinton Administration and its HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo expanded the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act forcing banks into lending money to “underserved” communities for home purchases.  Thousands upon thousands of low-income families, lacking the finances to pay their mortgage, found themselves under crushing debt and adjusting to life lived out of a car. The resulting near-collapse of the banking system was the trigger for 2008’s Great Recession. Thanks to Democrats, our nation endured nearly a decade of economic pain and toil recovering.

America’s stifling welfare programs that keep low-income citizens shackled in systemic oppression is an unwanted gift from Democrats.  The far-reaching catastrophe that is ObamaCare was delightfully brought to you by Democrats.  On and on the seemingly well-intentioned but calamitous legislation from the left continues.

We can add ‘red flag’ laws to their gargantuan stink pile.   more here

7 Comments on Red Flag Laws and Individual Rights

  1. Not that long ago Colorado was a sane state. Red states should start passing laws that vet anyone from another state who want to take up residence.
    It’s bad enough when you’re stuck with liberal commie idiots, you shouldn’t allow anymore in.

  2. Every state could be beautiful if it wasn’t for those urban centers full of marxist motherfuckers…

    Except NJ. No matter what NJ is a cesspool.

    The point is liberals ruin everything.

  3. Fook a bunch of “red flag” laws…. the commies are at the fookin’ gates (many within) and it is time to start red flagging their asses.
    by the way, did I already ask if anyone out there in webland was keeping notes? I am so disorganized.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Um, wrong. A State may take the person away from their guns, but not take the guns away from the person.
    If someone is that much a threat, lock ’em up in a hospital. The guns have done nothing wrong.

  5. Burner has it right. I’ll bet the Colorado legislature fought mightily to ensure the rights of mentally disturbed/ill people to not be involuntarily committed.


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