Run For the Roses Takes A Strange Turn – IOTW Report

Run For the Roses Takes A Strange Turn

Associated Press

Maximum Security became the first winner disqualified for interference in the Kentucky Derby, leading to an agonizing wait and an eventual stunning reversal that made 65-1 shot Country House the winner Saturday. More

NBC explains the disqualification Here


33 Comments on Run For the Roses Takes A Strange Turn

  1. I must say that he clearly cut off another horse making that horse have to alter its course. It then went the other way almost pushing another horse into the rail.

  2. There was some bumping and weaving and a few jockeys said their horses almost clipped hooves and fell. The first Derby I’ve watched in a long time and it was disappointing. Big high and lows for all those involved. I got tired of the focus on the party attire and atmosphere on Derby day.

  3. The horse was listening to the crowd. The Jockeys can’t hear the crowd. AOC say’s the crowd should not shout like that. Shouting is not covered by the 1st Amendment.
    Maxine Waters was pissed ’cause Maximum Security was impeached at the One -45 running of the Kentucky Derby.
    Now, Maxine screams, Impeach Impeach 45, Impeach fordy fibe. Maxine knows that “45” broke the “interference rule” by interfering with socialism.
    I had $5 to Win on Code of Honor.

  4. Belmont stakes, 2016. Creator(God? jobs?) beats Destin (It’s my turn)

    Wonder if there’s significance in Maximum Security (Lock her up?) getting DQ for breaking rules, and Country (MAGA?) House (taken back from Dems? White House?) is announced winner.

    I know, reeeally reaching here. Just having fun. Still, Mark Taylor…….

    We could be in for an election results legal battle in 2020 which will make 2000 look like a croquet match.

  5. My significant other and I are at odds on the call. As a girl, crazy about horses, I grew up reading about horse racing – the jockeying for position, having to swing out wide when you were blocked, etc. To me, that’s what this was, just hard racing, so the call is BS. Wouldn’t be so bad if the horse who “won” actually might have deserved it. I hope Maximum Securit sweeps the rest of the Triple Crown races just to shove it in the officals’ faces.

  6. @ Pat Henry and Aunt Liz –

    Been on a horse counted on ONE hand finger times but I ALWAYS knew what the term meant having watched racing well since Affirmed in ’78, what a horse. (last one before Pharoah.

    All I have heard my entire life it the term “jockeying for position”.

    WIN is the word, because that is the end result of well done jockeying, no? So he took the turn WIDE, so what?

    AND then both jockey and horse proceeded to come back to the inside deftly done.

    I found the alternate Jockey to be humble about it for being a Frenchy…

  7. This is the race that destroys Triple Crown. There will be an “objection” called at the Preakness in hopes of disqualifying the winner and on and on and on…
    I have not seen a horse race that is totally free of bumping except maybe the match race between Man of War and Seabisuit.

  8. @ ghost of brig gen j glover, yeah, I guess if you want to put it that way, the lesser horse did indeed WIN, regardless of how it happened…if you’re happy with that, well have at it.

  9. @ Aunt Liz – I guess that means I am with the hubby on this one per your original post?? Your house being divided on this one, the call??

    Just to be clear I did NOT like the call, I like technique within winning.

  10. @ ghost of brig gen j glover….house divided a tad strong. He and I are both race fans, coming at it from different perspectives. And if I took your first comment wrong, apologize! Just feel this was a sh*tty call by the officials. But disagree on a win is a win. A win not earned, means nothing.

  11. My post early morning before Derby Day:

    Speaking of horse racing, the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow.
    There are 20 horses, as usual, though the favorite was scratched.
    There are more donkeys running in 2020! LOL! 🙂

    My picks:
    10 Cutting Humor
    5 Improbable
    8 Tacitus
    20 Country House

    You’re welcome.

  12. Maximum Security did not hold his line. I don’t know what the wording of the rules are but the horse definitely blocked other horses. Sure it was a difficult track to stay straight on, but it looked like the other horses maintained a better line. It’s possible that the fact I had $100.00 to win with Country House is clouding my judgement.

  13. put $20 on Max Sec when the odds were 8-1 on him … assholes stole my $$$!

    btw, $6.5 mill was bet on Max Sec, $56k on Country House … do the math
    & a terrible call that will have terrible repercussions for a dying sport

  14. How much cash was Churchill downs going to have to pay out if Maximum Security won vs how much cash it paid out for Country House winning.
    The answer to that question will tell you WHY things happened the way they did. Gambling is a RIGGED GAME…..ALWAYS. The House will ALWAYS win even if they have to change the rules, break the rules or break the law.

  15. Wweeeeel, I’ve made a booooat load of money. I put 1ct on what’s-his-face only because he was 65-1. My wife owes me biiiig time!!!

  16. Well the hall of fame trainer who has never had a horse win the Derby got the trophy given to him.
    Politics and dirty shit has went on behind the scenes in horse racing for years. They just finally did it on a big stage.

    With that said I love horse racing and go to the local track 2 or 3 times a month. They’ve slowly been killing the sport for years and this is just going to fast track it’s death.

  17. Maximum Security new name should be Bill Belechik.

    A rollerball like move…

    Let’s put the horses and jockeys under oath and find out….how this exactly happened!

    Did the jockey do this intentionally??? IF he did right on, the idea is to WIN

    I do not get it, too many RICH pricks involved I suppose, THAT is the problem.


  18. I care not a whit for horse racing… but I do have this burning desire, to learn how to shoot a Winchester 94 from horseback at full gallop (I’ve been watching “Tombstone” again 😛 )!

    I’m not sure what you DO with this skillset in the 21st century… but there you have it! 😀


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