Paul Joseph Watson Reacting To Facebook Ban – IOTW Report

Paul Joseph Watson Reacting To Facebook Ban

As one of the “dangerous” seven removed from Facebook this last week, Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) has been receiving support from many sides, including the President.

While encouraging, PJW knows that observers of social media’s misbehavior quickly move on to the next outrage, leaving those affected to fend for themselves. Watch

Note: There’s a link in the video for PJW’s newsletter that he is asking for those who support his content subscribe.

7 Comments on Paul Joseph Watson Reacting To Facebook Ban

  1. I haven’t been active on FB for a long time. I finally wove my way through the labyrinth to find the delete account process. It is well hidden, but I got it done. Later for you suckerburg. I’ve been meaning to do that for years.

  2. “observers of social media’s misbehavior quickly move on to the next outrage, leaving those affected to fend for themselves.”

    Hi, I’m Aaron Burr. You might remember me as JOHN DOE from the Wisconsin recall attempt of Governor Scott Walker. I’m also the owner of the now defunct EVIL CONSERVATIVES website and the creator of the “I squeal for Allah” bacon grease and shredded koran votive candles in addition to many, many political memes.

    I have several Facebook and twitter pages dedicated to my memory.

    On this Cinco De Mayo, won’t you take a moment to remember all the valiant internet warriors who’ve paid the ultimate price so you can snicker at the left?

    (Paid for by the committee to elect Aaron Burr Super Pope of Rome and Lord Protectorate of Canadaland)

  3. Let’s talk about the rules whereby a business can decide who to do business with or not.

    A baker must create a cake for an occasion that the business owner religiously objects. State legislatures can’t redistrict themselves (as required by law) without the judiciary making sure the map doesn’t over concentrate or under represent a given political party. The federal government can’t add a question on whether respondents are US citizens or not.

    But, social media tech companies can arbitrarily decide who can and can not use their “platform” even if that user obeyed all the written rules in the terms of service.

    Got it, heads they win tails we lose. This can’t go on or there will be no room form dissension from the receive wisdom of the political class and no forum to state that objection.


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