Prominent Tax Expert Falls Victim of the Insane Posse That Insists Men are Women Simply For Believing So – IOTW Report

Prominent Tax Expert Falls Victim of the Insane Posse That Insists Men are Women Simply For Believing So

It’s important to see just how open-minded Maya Forstater’s comment was to fully appreciate how far around the bend the left is.

Think about what she is saying. She’s saying that it should be perfectly acceptable for a biological man to lead their preferred lifestyle without fear of discrimination. The inference is that we shouldn’t have to take the unscientific step of declaring a man a woman in order to stop the discrimination against a man who wants to lead his life as if he is a woman.

Not good enough.

She was fired.



Continental Telegraph-

It’s interesting to note what you’re not allowed to say these days. And, actually, what you are allowed to say. If you work for one of the more right on organisations that is. Such is what has happened to Maya Forstater, a friend of ours around here. Well, OK, she might not call reactionaries like me friend but we admire her work. We’ve even helped with it a little bit, talking about minerals, mining and revenues with her.

Maya has been fired for stating a view. Something that we think obvious but that’s not actually the point. Her statement was so far inside the boundaries of what should be accepted as just a difference of opinion that to lose a job over it is ludicrous. Yes, obviously, any employer should be allowed to fire anyone whenever they like. Or at least as long as whatever it is is within whatever employment contract both sides have voluntarily signed. So this is not to say that the Centre for Global Development have acted wrongly in firing whoever. Rather, it’s to note the sort of reason that the insane are using these days.

Are trans women wholly and entirely women in exactly the same manner as other women? That’s rather something it’s possible to have views upon. Answers can range from a guffaw through to an insistence that they are, absolutely and without any difference. That first is impolite at best, that second is insane.


ht/ marco

24 Comments on Prominent Tax Expert Falls Victim of the Insane Posse That Insists Men are Women Simply For Believing So

  1. …the first chick, apparently the judgy one, starts with “Maya, are you saying that trans women are not women?”.

    She then closes with “I’m a bit confused”.

    Understatement of the century. She’s CLEARLY more than a BIT confused if she thinks that “woman” is defined by what appliances are attached, or that mutilating a man somehow makes him a woman…

    …maybe you’d be less confused, sweetie, if you went by the definition we’ve used sucessfully for thousands of years. Thus wasn’t even in DOUBT before the Barry and His Trans Wookie show had it’s 8 year engagement. Maybe don’t let insane people define sanity for you?

    …also, notice that it isn’t enough to just use the pronouns any more. You WILL renounce science, religion, and common sense to define things as you are TOLD, or the Mark of the Beast will be withheld from you and you will NEVER work in THIS town AGAIN…

  2. …you also have to wonder if they’d have sacked poor Maya had her name been Fatima and she said calling it a woman is against the Koran…

  3. …the judgy chick also has a hyphenated name. People who use hyphens that way are rarely reasonable, no more than those who hyphenate “-American” are.

    Big red flag THERE. Don’t cast pearls of wisdom before swine…

  4. Txn4Evr
    MAY 5, 2019 AT 11:14 AM
    “If you have a crank you’re a dude, if you don’t have a crank you’re a chick. Can I make it any more plain?”

    …you DO need to go one more step and say, “and cutting your crank OFF doesn’t count”, or maybe change it to;

    “If you were BORN with a crank you’re a dude, if you were NOT born with a crank you’re a chick.”

    …they’re a pretty clueless bunch, you REALLY need to lay this down for them…

  5. “…this is not to say that the Centre for Global Development have acted wrongly in firing…”

    I’ll say it. They are wrong. Under any other circumstances employee discipline would progress from warnings to suspension and to firing only under extreme circumstances. UK law is not US law, but if she were in the US she could sue and likely get her job back or a huge settlement.

    King James I suppression of Catholicism in the 1600s was less severe than this, and that was pretty damn severe at times. But at least he gave people a chance to repent and be forgiven.

  6. How the fuck did trans people ( a very very very small minority of people) become so powerful that they can control the entire narrative?? Who (or who all) in the upper echelon had their cock and balls cut off and now they think they are a woman and now can pull the power strings to give these gender and body dysphoria freaks unprecedented power and influence? Who wants to undermine American society so bad that they want to foist this shit on us and teach this shit to our children? This needs to be stopped NOW or I shudder to think of the level of mental illness and depravity that is coming down the pipe once this is normalized.

  7. First they came for Biology because I was not a Biologist.
    Then they came for Scatology but I didn’t give a shit
    Next they came for Physics and they all died because they’re stupid and believed their own bullshit

  8. Anonymous MAY 5, 2019 AT 11:49 AM
    “How the fuck did trans people ( a very very very small minority of people) become so powerful that they can control the entire narrative??”

    …Liberals in every nation did it, but it has nothing to do with whether they are/care about trans or not. The whole point is to sow confusion and fear, get people jacked up about a crisis they caused, and then propose Government as the solution to the crisis they caused, with Government (i.e., THEM) deciding who is worthy of forgiveness and who must be destroyed.

    Trans is just the vehicle, not the destination.

    …Actually, it all goes back to their Master, the original Sower of Confusion, and he must be well-pleased with his minions’ work on his behalf…

    “44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

    46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

    47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.”
    -John 8:44-47

    “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
    -1 Corinthians 14:33

  9. Fritz the Cat
    MAY 5, 2019 AT 11:57 AM
    ““Maya has been fired for stating a view.” She was fired for stating a fact.”

    Fritz nailed it.

  10. The Land of Hope and Glory reduced to the Land of Haplessness and Genderbenders.

    This would probably even confuse Oscar Wilde. It has become too dangerous in the United Kingdom for normal people to debate what is abnormal.

    The Continental Telegraph is a great site.

  11. It is not enough that they are free to live their lives, unhindered and unbounded, in any manner they define.

    “I just want to have the freedom to be who I really am” is a lie. With no Authority apart from the one holding this view, this is the very seed-bed of Tyranny. Others are not allowed the same freedom, not even the freedom to disagree.

    If there are ultimately no restraints by which they exercise control in their personal lives, then there is nothing restraining them from controlling yours.

    You must agree with them, you must not hold even a thought to the contrary, you must “bake the cake.”

  12. Uh, what’s with the use of “their” as a reflexive pronoun for a singular masculine subject? Your thoughts would be better served by using “it” to keep the number correct AND recognize the fucked up gender.

  13. I have an acquaintance,she was female fat. She had children and was married. Worked as an engineer. She decided that she was a male, had the various operations and did all this to have homosexual relations with men. Needless to say I don’t understand the world any longer.

    Looked up this trans issue in the medical lit. There are pro and con articles, but the result is that these people are nuts.


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