Nadler’s shady Russian ties – IOTW Report

Nadler’s shady Russian ties

12 Comments on Nadler’s shady Russian ties

  1. I can’t think of a single senator or congressperson who shouldn’t be subjected to a forensic audit.

    Aside from a human coaster, I can ‘t think of one redeeming quality Nadler possesses.

    and btw, why were we involved in implementing the Magnitsky Act, which is now recognized and enforced globally, even the UN? If the commie Browder had millions confiscated, that’s between him and Russia. For some strange reason, this is never questioned.

  2. Force feed him, he likes GORGING himself anyway, so he would then blow up like Mr. Creosote (just posted the vid on that EBT thread), with nothing left but his soulless heart hanging out for ALL to see.

    He will get TrumpedUp, watch.

  3. If you didnt know why the democrats are trying to pin treason on Trump, now you know it’s only because they’re trying to cover up their own treason.

    Obama is a traitor. Biden was right at his side. So were the rats of the GOPe.

  4. As a New Yorker, Nadler is one grease ball mutterfooker
    I’d like to see shit on. Nail the bastard!
    Candace Owens made him look, on television, like the complete asshole he really is. His voting block suck.

  5. Nadler’s constituents are aging hippies, druggies,pseudo intellectuals, NYU academics, homosexuals, and welfare recipients. And he want’s to oust the most vibrant President we’ve had in years? Gimmeafookenbreak!
    I’ve said this before: New York has 62 Counties. In 20 16, President Trump won 46 of those Counties. Killary managed to get 16 If Candace Owens is successful and black voters and old time democrats come to their senses, Trump will win New York in 2020. Hands down!


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