Security Guard Injured in 2015 Terrorist Attack Appeals Suit Against FBI – IOTW Report

Security Guard Injured in 2015 Terrorist Attack Appeals Suit Against FBI


Undercover FBI agent texted one attacker telling him ‘Tear up Texas.’

The attorney for a security guard injured in a 2015 terror attack in Garland, Texas, has filed an appeal in the U.S. Fifth Circuit after the original lawsuit was dismissed in December.

Bruce Joiner is seeking millions in damages from the FBI after he was shot in the leg when two radicalized Islamists opened fire at a “Draw the Prophet Muhammad” event. Joiner has argued that the bureau fomented the attack and had advance knowledge it was likely to happen but failed to stop it.

ISIS later claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place four years ago on Friday, making it the first-ever attack on U.S. soil by the group.

Joiner’s first complaint was dismissed in federal court on the grounds of government immunity. Although he is seeking monetary damages, he has maintained his central purpose is to unearth the FBI’s level of involvement.

The two attackers, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, drove from Phoenix to Garland, where the “Draw the Prophet Muhammad” event was being held, and opened fire at a security checkpoint.

Security was heightened due to the nature of the event and Simpson and Soofi were shot dead just yards from where they began their attack, but not before shooting Joiner.

Because of other court cases, it became public knowledge that an undercover FBI agent had infiltrated the small cell of radicals in Phoenix, and when the “Draw Muhammad” event was announced, the agent texted Simpson “Tear up Texas.” The Department of Justice characterized the text as “innocuous.”  more here



6 Comments on Security Guard Injured in 2015 Terrorist Attack Appeals Suit Against FBI

  1. The qualified immunity defense is difficult to beat. Basically, the guy who was shot would need to prove the FBI agent had an intended to harm him, or acted with extreme negligence establishing a careless disregard for his safety. Very difficult to get a case like this to a jury; the QI defense stops it way before the case went anywhere near trial. This doesn’t mean Grassley was wrong, he wasn’t. But Grassley was looking at a different issue than the victim in this case.

  2. The FBI provided material support for domestic terrorism because they supported attacking the target and thought they could get a twofer.

    You alt-right neonazis provoked the peaceful Mooselimbs but the FBI came to save the day. That’s what The Narrative would have been. Or, as Joiner’s attorney contends that they wanted the attack to take place so they could see what ISIS contacts that the attackers would make.

    Material support should be the charge.

    If they can’t fucking figure out that they were 180 degrees out of phase with what is right and legal in recruiting, provoking and literally driving these fucks to the event to attack Americans engaged in a free speech event then the FBI needs to be burnt to the ground.

    During which hours is up for discussion.

  3. Anonymous MAY 6, 2019 AT 4:47 AM
    Something will be happening in the next two weeks in the US. It’s what the savages do during Ramalamadingdong.

    Sadly I agree…

    Pay attention out there!


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