“I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. … We must impeach him.” – IOTW Report

“I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. … We must impeach him.”

WFB: Rep. Al Green (D., Texas) said on Saturday that if Democrats don’t begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, “he will get re-elected.”

Green, who has called for Trump’s removal from office since 2017 and introduced articles of impeachment that year, told MSNBC that he dismissed the idea that impeaching Trump could help him politically.  more

29 Comments on “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. … We must impeach him.”

  1. What magic wand do you have, Al? No, seriously, please tell me you got one. I’m a believer now, and you better whip it out yesterday, because the shit is getting real.

  2. This unctuous churl often quotes scripture when winding up one of his racist tirades.

    Don’t stand next to Al during a lightening storm. You won’t like where he’s taking eternal slumber.

  3. So basically what he’s saying is that if the Democrats don’t act quickly to subvert the will of the electorate, then the American people might actually get what they want.


    I would hate to have to defend that argument.

    P.S. – In case you forgot, Al, impeachment doesn’t mean removal from office. Only a conviction by the Senate does. Good luck with that.

  4. Shows the Democrats have no plan or vision for America that would garner overwhelming support to win an election. Internal polling must show that the vision of AOC and Bernie Socialism is a major loser. Their only hope is to pin impeachment on Trump, which would surely backfire as Trump will not get convicted in the Senate.

  5. Fuh-q, Green.

    By the way, learn to speak English, you driplip.

    Nahh, to hell with it — just flush your own head down a toilet. If you can’t handle that on your own, AKS FO help.

  6. @Engelburka Engelburka
    “unctuous churl” just hit me off guard. That’s the funniest damn thing I’ve heard in a while. I’m still smiling…Can I use that?

  7. “Rep. Al Green (D., Texas) said on Saturday that if Democrats don’t begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, ‘he will get re-elected.'”

    This dumb ass doesn’t have a clue that if the Democrats do begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump, it will guarantee his re-election.


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