New Army Uniform A Blast From The Past – IOTW Report

New Army Uniform A Blast From The Past

Announced on Veterans Day last year, the US Army’s selection for the new service uniform that harkens back to the WWII era will be phased in starting next year. The traditional “pinks and greens” uniform was officially discontinued in 1959 for the army and reserve.

Soldiers will now wear a more business attire uniform when not deployed, thus the public will see a lot less camouflage on army personnel when they are off base.  More



35 Comments on New Army Uniform A Blast From The Past

  1. Uh oh…They’re trying to put My beloved USAF, back in the

    Army Air “Corpse”

    On a serious note…Those are way cool. (By the way French Women still

    have the Clap, and You can’t fight the Axis with VD)

  2. My husband and I approve and we are both Army veterans who went through many variations of uniforms. I particularly love the “Pinks and Greens” because I remember my Dad wearing them and he was the handsomest man ever!

  3. Outstanding! “bout time. Looks good and we wont have to see the Camo uniform everywhere.
    The Navy changed their uniform in the 70’s to look like bus drivers (like the Air Force), fortunately, cooler heads prevailed and we went back to bells.
    The AF still looks like bus drivers (and flies like them). 😉

  4. I think the “50-mission hats” missed the mark. Too tall, kind of like Soviet officer hats. Otherwise I like them. Going to have to increase the uniform allowance. And they just ditched the digital camo. BTW, who was the genius that decided the Navy needed “blueberry” camo?

  5. They are called maternity dresses. My wife used to wear them. But she was never in the Army. That gal’s got a shit load of ribbons? Can’t tell what the S/Sgt. on the left is. They all most likely have jobs at the Pentagon.
    I was Army, but I always loved the Marine Corp uniform. I tried to join the Marines because of the uniform, but they sent me to the Army. My IQ was too high. Hee, hee.

  6. I also like the pinks and greens. (Although nothing will ever beat a Marine dress uniform). I also like seeing soldiers in their camo work duds. What’s wrong with that.

    Meanwhile: why do we waste government time and money on this kind of thing? The uniforms were perfectly fine before Obama changed them. Now again?

  7. Tim, I agree the Ike Jacket would be great with this. The article stated that soldiers will be able to purchase a retro bomber-style leather jacket; now that’s going to raise the ire of the Air Force where the Leather A-2 Flight Jacket is only worn by fliers. Nothing is allowed to threaten the ego of AF pilots.

  8. Gonnaa be sharp with the beret worn by the Airborne, Rangers and Special Forces. Time to get rid of the stupid black beret the leg unit wear and give them back to our Rangers.

  9. George Patton would approve.
    Coat, tie and shined shoes? These will be the first grown-up clothes some of these kids have ever worn. Good move. Morale will benefit.


  10. I was issued the bus driver uniform in ’79. Those were Class A dress uniforms. Still have mine, but I’d have to spend a year in Venezuela to make it fit. In those days we also had the khaki garrison uniform which I liked, and the pickle suit for combat/field dress.

    I think our soldiers will look much sharper in the pinks & greens as opposed to cammo while in garrison, however something akin to the khakis would be nice for the EMs and junior NCOs. They are much easier to maintain and look good with an Ike jacket. But spit-shined shoes all around for that “I am Army” look.

  11. WW2 German uniforms were still the coolest, hands down – especially for the SS officers. Of course they were designed by Hugo Boss, so that undoubtedly had a lot to do with it.


  12. @Jarhead

    I think the Ike jacket may have been taken from a British design. Photos of Brit and Commonwealth soldiers and officers in WWII show them wearing a short jacket that went down to the waist.

  13. Back to the classic look. Good!
    (and that silly beret is Gone)
    Nothing against them for Special Forces etc.
    but I’m a traditionalist and I like the old headgear.
    Have to hand it to the Whermacht though as it
    had the best looking styles for mid 20th Century uniforms.

  14. The beret is… uhhh…

    I remember some asshat at ABC asked the Peak Load Manager about his beret. The Manager was a Tunnel Rat. There are some things you don’t do. You don’t ask the Peak Load Manager, who was a Tunnel Rat, why he wears a beret.

  15. Good! Now, if they would start making nurses and medical staff at every hospital and clinic in America stop wearing those stupid scrubs with tennis shoes and start wearing the classic white nurses uniforms so they look professional, the world would be a better place. Scrubs are for the operating room. I’m tired of nurses looking like homeless deadbeats who slept in a ditch. And while I’m thinking about it, you damn kids get out of my yard!


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