Surprising level of support for Trump among black democrat women – IOTW Report

Surprising level of support for Trump among black democrat women

medium- Voter Labs

A Surprising Level of Support for Trump

Interestingly, 29% of respondents had a favorable or neutral opinion of Donald Trump. Of those polled 16% responded that they “really like him” or “he’s okay”, with an additional almost 13% unsure or undecided, a much different picture than the one portrayed in most media.

“Trump’s numbers with black Democratic women show that his populist message still resonates with many. Given that Sanders also has a heavily populist message, and is currently enjoying strong support in this community, Trump’s numbers shouldn’t be that surprising.


7 Comments on Surprising level of support for Trump among black democrat women

  1. …and yet no one can name ANY reason to believe that President Trump is a racist other than someone TOLD them he is…like Russian Collusion, it’s the ONE thing they walk in by faith, not by sight…

  2. Frankly I think there is a lot more support for President Trump than any poll can pin-point. There is such a thing as the Silent Majority who have unblemished cars and inflated tires…
    if ya know whut I mean!
    Run silent, run deep Baybee!


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