medium- Voter Labs
A Surprising Level of Support for Trump
Interestingly, 29% of respondents had a favorable or neutral opinion of Donald Trump. Of those polled 16% responded that they “really like him” or “he’s okay”, with an additional almost 13% unsure or undecided, a much different picture than the one portrayed in most media.
“Trump’s numbers with black Democratic women show that his populist message still resonates with many. Given that Sanders also has a heavily populist message, and is currently enjoying strong support in this community, Trump’s numbers shouldn’t be that surprising.
…and yet no one can name ANY reason to believe that President Trump is a racist other than someone TOLD them he is…like Russian Collusion, it’s the ONE thing they walk in by faith, not by sight…
Being grabbed by the pussey has no color barrier….hehe…..
Chipping them away from the vote-slave owner Dems. Atta boy, Trump!
Frankly I think there is a lot more support for President Trump than any poll can pin-point. There is such a thing as the Silent Majority who have unblemished cars and inflated tires…
if ya know whut I mean!
Run silent, run deep Baybee!
There’s more support for Trump by women in general than the polls indicate. Add that to their ‘scared shitless’ list.
Black women always were smarter than thier male counterparts
It’s dated 2018. Dude, that’s like a year ago.