How does one parody AOC when the real AOC is a moron? – IOTW Report

How does one parody AOC when the real AOC is a moron?

Oh dear.

18 Comments on How does one parody AOC when the real AOC is a moron?

  1. By giving her bad advice, like, “AOC, honey, your garbage disposal is bad for the environment because it puts harmful organic compounds in your sewer water. It’s better to put the food stuffs in your garbage pail and let it ferment in your kitchen for several weeks. The gases given off are very beneficial to your health. It’s nature’s way.”

  2. She grew up in middle class in Westchester, NY. You think she really doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is? She is lying. Don’t know or care why, but she’s lying.

  3. Pathetic Moron. Glad that she is getting so much attention. AOC lives a life completely separated from intelligence and common sense. What did we do to deserve this imbecile?

  4. Oh please! Annoying Overexposed Cunt grew up in a wealthy neighborhood
    The only way this faux hood rat wouldn’t have come into contact with a garbage disposal is if the maid handled all the kitchen duties.

  5. I could *allllllmost* get that someone might not know what a g-d is – although I was still calling bullsh** as she was talking – but as soon as she said she was “terrified” I was reminded what a moronic poser this loony tune is.

  6. that’s a great question and i have no answer. but, seeing that she does an awesome parody of herself without the need for any external mocking parodies, we will have to wait and see what she has in store for her next episode of ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’


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