Black, Hispanic Democrats cross party lines on abortion bills – IOTW Report

Black, Hispanic Democrats cross party lines on abortion bills


In North Carolina, the six Democratic legislators who broke ranks last month to join the GOP in passing an infanticide bill all had something in common: None was white.

Five of them were black; one was Native American. They included state Sen. Don Davis, who became the hero of North Carolina’s pro-life movement last week when he crossed party lines again to thwart Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto, sending the override measure to the House.

“One’s party affiliation should not determine one’s conviction to be an advocate for life,” tweeted North Carolina Right to Life. “Be sure to thank Senator Don Davis for voting to override Governor Cooper’s veto to protect born-alive survivors of abortion!”

Mr. Davis was hardly alone. In a legislative session that saw abortion rise to the forefront, black and Hispanic legislators were notable in their willingness to cross party lines, exposing a racial schism on a key Democratic issue and frustrating efforts to unite the party behind the push to “codify Roe.”

In New Mexico, for example, Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was rocked by a tough defeat in March after eight Senate Democrats voted against a bill to expand abortion access. Six of the senators were Hispanic.

In Nevada, the pro-choice Trust Nevada Women Act was approved last week by the state Senate on a 12-9 vote, despite two Democratic defections. One came from state Sen. Moises Denis, a pro-life Democrat whose parents immigrated from Cuba and whose cousin is Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican.

The other “no” vote was cast by Democratic state Sen. Marcia Washington, who is black, and had no qualms defying her fellow Democrats on the bill, aimed at “decriminalizing” abortion by removing, for example, a requirement for doctors to perform the procedures.

“I voted that way because I don’t believe in any form of abortion!” said Ms. Washington in an email.  more

7 Comments on Black, Hispanic Democrats cross party lines on abortion bills

  1. Hope Flip?

    These people signed their political death warrants with the National party with their vote.

    If the SC puts it back to the states, then maybe, but otherwise they will never have a chance help save our country.

  2. flip, I think the Ds pushed the abortion past the tolerance level of many people. In fact, it’s no longer abortion, but pure infanticide. These people who are rebelling against the D policy also see the logical extension of killing children to killing the infirmed and elderly.

  3. Are any of them up for reelection soon?
    It’s the new “conservative” socialism party.
    Tell what ever lie required to get reelected.
    All of the 20+ Dem candidates are banging one of the “socialist” drums.

  4. Some good signs that at least several are coming out of the fog and agreeing with the party that actually has their best interests in mind. Progress is glacially slow but steady.


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