These are not jokes – Mark Dice – IOTW Report

These are not jokes – Mark Dice

20 Comments on These are not jokes – Mark Dice

  1. So the defacto leader of the new Democrat party, at age 29, is frightened of a garbage disposal because she has never seen one before and is amazed that plants grow from earth. Yet progressives are on board with her Green New Deal even though AOC seems at least mildly retarded.

    If Ocasio-Cortez were the captain of my ship, I would be taking to the life rafts pronto.

  2. The democrats are evil. They are a party of criminals.

    EVery city or municipality that is run by them is a total shithole.

    They are a communist party, and the communists killed ten times more people than the nazis did. Anyone who does not believe that can look it up.

  3. Speaking of suspensions and bans – I would like whomever is actually pushing the keys to be revealed.

    The no-name anonymous rats have too much power at their fingertips. A little exposure and accountability would go a long way.

    They are the only true keyboard warriors with an effect on preventing dialog and opposing views being heard.

  4. Occasional Cortex is pretending to be stupid. The incredible stupidity acts as a distraction to what the Dems are really doing. Smoke screen. She is one of many “Court Jesters”.

  5. She is “progressive” and has no knowledge about a common, everyday device that has been on the market since 1940 and is in almost every home.

    Yes, she is the one we must follow into a glorious future.

  6. The garbage disposal story is horseshit. She didn’t exactly grow up in poverty where noone ever heard of this device. She grew up in a far nicer enviroment. She’s pretending to be a rags to riches success tale.

  7. Nate,
    The movie industry was in my area for a few years as the state offered low taxes to them (imagine the people who want us all to pay high taxes are persuaded by a low tax environment). But the point is that many of the actors who are prominent names actually would not use a toilet and preferred to outdoors for their business, even number two, and most of these were women.

    I have found that progressives are either very stupid, extremely neurotic, not informed or well educated or adolescents who find the concept of helping mankind charming and have not learned it is a scam.

  8. Mega-lies from profoundly inept liars.
    Sandy and Beano are liars.
    Their hypocrisies force them to tell their extravagant lies to assuage their imbecilic sycophants and the assorted stooges who voted for them.

    There can’t be a single individual on Earth (outside of the severely mentally retarded) who doesn’t know that plants grow in dirt.

    And I’m fairly certain that even the stroked-out Nancy Pelosi knows the purpose of a garbage disposal (the name’s kind of a giveaway).

    Thus, the only rational conclusion is pandering posturing – which nauseates normal humans but impresses the Hell out of run-of-the-mill Demonrat morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. heard a story once about a guy who worked on a construction site. At the end of the day, he would walk past the security guard with a wheelbarrow full of dirt. The guard would comment- ‘stealing dirt again?’ This went on for a couple of weeks, and then the guy with the dirt was gone. The guard asked one of the other workers- ‘what happened to the guy who was stealing dirt?’ He was then told- ‘he wasn’t stealing dirt, he was stealing wheelbarrows’
    she’s a ploy. no one can be that stupid. She is just being a 2019 Gracie Allen.

  10. Quick, someone tell here the electrical outlets in her apt that are not being used are leaking electricity in the room. And never, never flip a light switch on the wall when there’s no light bulb in the fixture.

  11. For the full scoop on this empty barrel, see the video by Mr. Reagan about AOC. She AUDITIONED for this gig. AUDITIONED. Cent Uygur (of The Young Turk[eye]s) was the mastermind behind it. Look up Justice Democrats. Watch the Mr. Reagan video. Then, for some good clean conservative humor, check out You will be glad you did.


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