THIS is my kind of little league coach – IOTW Report

THIS is my kind of little league coach

One of the best little league pregame speeches I ever heard. It gets gooder every time I listen to it.

Suck it, libtards.

ht/ petrus


80 Comments on THIS is my kind of little league coach

  1. “Be gooder!” Love it!! (Sorry, Claudia)

    So, what’s the deal with having to tell those kids repeatedly to listen up? If that’s any example, hate to think what teachers are dealing with in the classroom these days.

  2. I love this coach!!! No snowflakes coming from that team!

    New t-shirt ” BE MORE GOODER!!!!”….anyone that tries to correct the grammar is a LOSER!!!

  3. What a lousy mentor. I knew plenty of “real” men who were both winners and had compassion for others. He’s an asshole.

    Great parody of a beta male.
    Thank you.
    The only flaw was calling him an asshole.

  4. You have to learn from losing if you want to win.

    Had a basketball coach once who would say to us after losing a game: “What did you learn from them?”

    “Uh, they’re better than us?”


    “They pass better.”
    “They set picks better.”
    “They dribble better.”
    “They have more plays.”
    “They’re so fast!”

    “Do you think we should work on all those? Who wants to?”

    We learned from our opponents and started beating them.

  5. Coach John Drake….Little league from 1964 to 1971….he thought he was Vince Lomardi and we ended up undefeated….his wife used to growl on the sidelines because?????….WE WERE THE WILDCATS!!!!….LOL!….

  6. Best coach I ever had showed zero compassion on the field for anyone, ever. Our team, the other team, no one.

    If you have compassion for your opponent you have the loser gene. Why are you even suiting up and keeping score if you’re not 100% focused on winning?

  7. As someone who sat through many LL games, I love that speech. It’s what the rug rats need to hear from all adults. Son #2 coached many seasons of rug rat BB and baseball, one of the bigest problems he confronted was the short attention span his teams had.

    Kids would drift off into lala land after the first two plays. Fortunately his boys kept focus through the entire games. Even if they were in outfield with “nothing” to do they kept their focus on the ball and what to do
    With the ball when it was hit.

    It rubbed off on all his kids. One game I had to silently laugh through the T-ball game. “D” was playing second base. He got the ball that the short stop should have gotten. “D” tried to send it to short stop who was in lala land, but “D” couldn’t get his attention because SS was busy kicking sand.

    Grandson “D” got SS’s attention when he threw the ball right into the SS’s stomach almost into his mit, and yelled to him. What made me crazy with silent laughter besides that was that the SS was the grandson of a woman I went to HS with. Nice lady, but she was a cheerleader in HS, I was not.

  8. In the video that leads off the story he is talking to a younger group of kids. In the last two videos he comes off as a jackass. I’ve been around coaches that have gotten the best out of their players and none of them were successful as a result of humiliation tactics.

  9. I’m torn on this. I coached a team about this age and the number one priority I taught was to learn fundamentals. It’s pointless to talk about crushing and making the other guy cry if your tool-box is empty. Develop eye/hand coordination, learn proper and accurate throwing techniques, and learn to hit. The urge to win comes later (especially in puberty) and can then be focused with the proper background.
    Maybe I have the loser gene, but our record always improved considerably and almost all former players still love the game and watch/play/coach.

  10. I think the tip off was that the team name was “The Mongols” and their coach’s name was Ghengis Cohen.

    I’ve coached on both sides – winning bigly and getting stomped bigly. I hated it when opposing coaches would put their bench in, and then tell them to take it easy or not to score. Wrong. Their job was to play well and this was their opportunity. Our job was to stop them. I didn’t want the opposing players to intentionally dog it and basically do our job – this was more insulting than just running up the score.

  11. Subs & Sands,

    The winners went to Twin Peaks to look at titties and drink beers and watch sports on 4 dozen, 70-inch flat screen TVs, because that’s what men do.

    The losers went to Chuck E. Cheese to eat pizza and play in the ball-crawl, because that’s what weak, queer-bait, sissy males do.

  12. I.LOVE.BASEBALL. and

    A great game of skill and one of the best there IS. It is like none other, batter vs pitcher and the rest of the team to help out. Hitting a slider thrown at you at 85-90 is near impossible but for only a few very talented people.

    Played LL since the age 8 and was the ALL Star catcher in Senior LL. We won, the Orioles vs the Dodgers.

    Now that that is out of the way…

    This couch isn’t just a loser, he is a DICKHEAD. He not only blew off the answers given, he said something pretty despicable for a young boy to hear, “make their families/players cry”??? He sounds like he forgot his own dam speech.

    He would be better off on Wall St with that WIN, WIN, WIN and not poisoning young minds on baseball fields.

    IF my son came home and told me a dopey couch, most ARE dopes, said “Dad the couch said you are a loser” because his has an OPINION, I would tell that mother fucker to say it to MY FACE.

    Then we would see who the real…loser.
    @joe6pack – imagine they lost and having to deal with this ASSHOLE.

    @Anon- with ya on this one.

    @ BFH – “suck it libtards” – well I ain’t no libtard / RETARD (abuse of a word btw), but I’ll be fine.


  13. I’d say a dad would definitely qualify as a loser if he hit a coach because he told a kid his father has a loser mentality if he doesn’t care about winning.

    Thankfully, the fathers who have undoubtedly seen the youtube video and/or have been to the games and seen this coach with the kids, “get it.” These kids love their coach.
    You can see he cares about them as well.

  14. In my opinion it is never a coaches role to tell a kid his dad is a loser. I don’t care what the reason was. Win, lose, or draw, if a coach tells a little kid his dad is a loser then the coach is a loser too.

  15. When I played ball as a kid, we had that chant at the end from the winning dugout, “2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate? [other team’s name], [other team’s name], yeah!”

    It was completely sarcastic and a final stab into the losing team. Despite the words. Everybody knew that.

    For a few years I was a pitcher and I remember two of my coaches telling me to peg the best batter to just get him on first instead of him hitting.

    All but one of my coaches was crazy about winning. That one was the worst. He was about his kid and all his kid’s friend’s playing the main positions. We didn’t win one game that year…

    …Life’s lessons.

  16. @ BFH – nice to hear from ya…nice way to bismearch!

    Where the FUCK did I actually say I would hit the couch?

    DID I say I would give him a piece of my mind, yeah. AND if physically confronted BACK, yeah I would FLOOR.

    I SAID, “I would tell that mother fucker to say it to MY FACE”. WHAT, you don’t like the threat??? The language?

    You are sounding snowflakey..

    I have TWO boys. I have asked them IF they want to play LL and they have told me no. Do I PUSH PUSH PUSH to WIN WIN WIN at game OR do I teach them more importantly to be a good people and GREAT MAGA Christian citizens?

    You have boys?? I don’t know a DAM thing about you but you certainly know more about me now…

    “my point is not even arguable” YET you commented!!!! My gosh…

    ‘VERY defensive!” as POTUS would end a tweet.



  17. Ghost, you were such a pill yesterday. I guess you’re still taking them.
    Everything has to be a confrontation with you lately. EVERYTHING.
    Fuck off, yourself.

    [Weren’t you crying about plastic bags or something? LOL]

    This coach is hysterical fun. If I had him when I played little league it would have been a lot more funnerer.

  18. The kids are laughing with the coach.
    The guy is obviously not a psycho. The kids aren’t crying or
    intimidated, nor are the parents rushing in to get them away from the guy.

    This is his motivational banter and the kids seem to be in on it.

    He did something in another video I watched that i thought was amazing.
    He announced the lineup by starting with the 9th batter and working towards the 1st one.

    That told me those kids are in good hands and his rants are an act.
    I’m sure he’s instilling in them that sports are played to be won, but he’s not going to damage a kid’s psyche in that pursuit.

  19. What does “say that to my face” imply, that you’re going to pen a harshly worded letter after it was said to you in person?

    Now you qualify it by saying you’d hit him if he hit you first.
    Why would the coach hit you?

    The only person all wound up in this scenario is you, and it’s all because you don’t appreciate or understand the coach’s act.

  20. All I know is that a coach can be just as effective and fun to play for without calling some kids dad a loser. That’s not how you win friends and influence people, even little people.

  21. Wapo-
    Bergin’s speeches have become so popular around his local Little League community that parents from opposing teams will come watch.

    “It becomes an event to see it,” said Leslie Dickson, whose son Brady has played for Bergin several times.

    Her son was recently a mark when Bergin went over the starting lineup in a video.

    “Batting eighth and playing left field is Brady,” Bergin said. “You can pick dandelions out here like you normally do.”

    In announcing the seventh batter, Bergin said: “The 7-hole is the most important hole in the order. Just kidding. It’s like third worst.”

    Several players laughed. “This is hilarious,” one said.

    Brady, a fifth-grader, totally gets it.
    “He’s not like the other coaches who always yell and make it all about themselves,” he said. “He’s really funny. I really like him.”

    And so do his parents. They say Bergin really is the exact opposite of the coach he sometimes portrays. He makes sure all players, even the weaker ones, get experience in the infield and batting high up in the order. He doesn’t yell. He wants to win, the parents say, but never at the expense of hurting a child’s feelings.

  22. Wow. And that’s from WAPO!

    On one of my teams, we had a girl in the outfield who was always bored and complained “nothing is getting back here to me to do anything!!!” So she told the asst coach that she wanted a lawn chair at the next game because she may as well relax.
    Next game, there was a little kid’s lawn chair just outside the dugout with her name written on it. LOL.

    Of course, our next set of coaches the following year were super uptight. Not from being nervous, but they just had sticks up their asses. Everything was an eye roll, or a sigh, and overly dramatic. Half the team left before the following year when we found out they volunteered to coach again. lol

  23. Holy shit…Did I say something?


    I have never seen this level of PILE on, EVER here.

    BUT, Ghost can take it, youngest of TEN. EIGHT of them LIBS, yeah so let’s go. I am used to the debate. I have to do it at work as well.

    Suppose I did, not good to question eh??

    Suppose to be a FUCKING lap dog here, huh??

    @ MJA – I smoke herb and drink beer, no pills. How bout YOU. Crankles? ‘Lately’? That is a broad term please be more specific.

    Yeah, SO WHAT I used a plastic bag or two on the weekend that I used. I was a KID, are you still using PLASTIC bags now without concern??

    @ BFH – that ‘event’, to me, sounds more like Breads and Circuses. The Bad News Bears (original) were…..LOSERS as was their coach…but both GREAT in the end.

    I am NO saboteur by any means, I just call it AS I SEE IT, and YOU know that. I have sent you links and provided content to this GREAT site. Not going to stop. I do NOT come here for the hits…or likes…I come here for the CONTENT the LAUGHS and the GRAPHICS both verbal and visual…the animal pics on Sunday that Claudia dedicated posts.

    I have to apologize now HERE on IOTW. Forget it aint’ gonna happen.

    And I was told you knew how to thow an Irish wake???

    C’MON your ass.

  24. MJA, I definitely see the humor and how kids would have fun playing for him. But I will draw a line at telling a kid his parents are losers. He can accomplish the same level of camaraderie and team identity without bringing a kids parents into it. Myself for example, my dad’s behavior was not something I was proud of, but if a jackass coach would have called him a loser he would not have liked the outcome.

  25. @ Joe6pak – be careful! YOU are sounding too reasonable. You are over the target and will get some serious FLAK BUT it’s cool with you.

    You have the tenure the Ghost does not.

    IF IOTW does not like it, my opinion, they are ignorant not to hear it.

    You are suppose to be NICE? My Bronx rearing says otherwise.

  26. ghost of brig gen j glover, What mental damage is it that you have that you must be a victim all the time?

    Since you’ve started commenting. From the beginning. It’s just weird.
    Sometimes you go on and on about shit that makes no sense to anyone but you.

  27. And don’t drag joe6pak into this, Ghost. He can have disagreements with people without coming unglued. You take everything like an assault.
    Calm the fuck down, or leave. We don’t need you spazzing.

  28. Careful Joe.
    One wrong word, and you know me, I’ll be stalking your posts and harassing you and settlin’ the score, because I am a huge a-hole and grudge holder.

    Trying to triangulate Joe and I will not work.
    Tenure has nothing to do with it. It’s respect that he earned long ago, before he had tenure.

    He knows he can voice his opinion and not be concerned, and vice versa.

    This is not a dramatic moment in time for this site.

  29. Can you imagine how boring this place would be if we were all carbon copy thinkers, patting ourselves on the back for being so smart? I do welcome reasonable disagreement, even some unreasonable disagreement, it’s good to have a sounding board. It helps us when we go out in the real world and try and defeat the no good liberals out there.

  30. Ghost says, “Holy shit…Did I say something?”
    Why yes you did!

    Ghost says, “BRING.IT.ON.”


    Ghost says, “I have never seen this level of PILE on, EVER here.”

    Talk to Mr. Pinko 🙂

    Ghost says, “BUT, Ghost can take it, youngest of TEN. EIGHT of them LIBS, yeah so let’s go. I am used to the debate. I have to do it at work as well.”

    Obviously not from your re-posts.

    Ghost says, “Suppose I did, not good to question eh??”


    Ghost says, “Suppose to be a FUCKING lap dog here, huh??”
    Again, non-coherent.

    Ghost says, “@ MJA – I smoke herb and drink beer, no pills. How bout YOU. Crankles? ‘Lately’? That is a broad term please be more specific.”
    What he means is that he can kiss MJA’s ass.

    Ghost says, “Yeah, SO WHAT I used a plastic bag or two on the weekend that I used. I was a KID, are you still using PLASTIC bags now without concern??”

    Yes we do, Ghost and we re-use just about every one of them. You ARE A DOPE!

    @ BFH – that ‘event’, to me, sounds more like Breads and Circuses. The Bad News Bears (original) were…..LOSERS as was their coach…but both GREAT in the end.

    I am NO saboteur by any means, I just call it AS I SEE IT, and YOU know that. I have sent you links and provided content to this GREAT site. Not going to stop. I do NOT come here for the hits…or likes…I come here for the CONTENT the LAUGHS and the GRAPHICS both verbal and visual…the animal pics on Sunday that Claudia dedicated posts.

    I have to apologize now HERE on IOTW. Forget it aint’ gonna happen.

    And I was told you knew how to thow an Irish wake???

    C’MON your ass.

  31. Ha ha @ Meerkat, keep the disparaging down grading remarks up I can take it. Call me a RETARD next! Go for IT.

    I smoke Backwoods as well.

    What shall I call YOU. Meer….

    Like Joe6pak said it’s good practice…

  32. Ghost,

    You are not a retard. You are disillusioned. There is a difference. You are obviously a smart person. But you are getting on a wrong path. A lot of smart people traveled on the wrong path.

  33. @ Meerkat – not saying YOU said anything about calling people a retard.

    I just think it is a word that is ABUSED and expected someone might use it…thats all, a libtard is really a lib TURD. TURDS are good for nothing, other than a shit stain. Retards, are real people, our family our fellow citizens.

    What makes me disillusioned though?? What wrong ‘path’ should I be on?
    Did I take the WRONG left fork in the road to getting to IOTW or the RIGHT one only because I do this



    If you see a new name out there?

    WEIRDO will be he. This way I will be known to be WEIRD from the getgo.

    Thanks for calming me down!

    I have many other projects going on like many other people here…I suppose I’ll get back to one of them now…to many a people’s pleasure.

    I will STFU.


  34. I was issued 9.5 gloves for climbing poles.

    After 4 days I went back to the pole climbing instructor and said, “These… my fingernails are coming off… bloody…it’s painful…”

    He handed me a set of 10s. He asked me later in the day if they were more gooder. “Yes Sir, Mr Hatcher, they are more gooder.”

    I grinned and Mr Hatcher grinned… and everything was more gooder.

  35. Wow, this went a bit sideways.

    I coached this way for years and that’s partly why I shared the video. It resonated with me and I thought it would here. You should see some of the shit I send Fur!

    I also just erased a long reply justifying, I guess myself and this coach. I then realized why should I? This is just a clip, a snippet of what really went on over the season and the years. This coach is beloved and respected in the community. I believe those children will be better prepared for life because of their experience. Do you really think he would still be around IF he was abusive? With video tape no less?

    I would HATE to see snowflakes destroy this type of male bonding.

  36. OKay I changed my mind. “ghost of brig gen j glover” is the BIGGEST RETARD OF ALL TIME! He is so retarded that he thinks that JFK slept with Stormey Daniels.
    He is sooooo RETARDED that he believes that Mike Pence needs a permission slip from Chuck Schumer to enter the Senate.

  37. I wouldn’t cal him a retard… because he’s not.

    Retards have come across here from time to time, Larry notwithstanding, but most retards come and go in 20 posts.

  38. @Meekat – okay I GET IT.

    @MJA – I call TRUCE…not white flag.

    @ BFH – Do you smell that?

    Robert Duvals finest moment possibly?

    He wacks away the soldiers rifle @0:20 and makes sure the FAMILY stays together.

    @1:02 – ‘keep your heads down it gonna be a big one’.

    Thanks for the Tactical Air support!

    ‘For the most part’ – you made me crack up.

    My former neighbor, Big Bob, was a ‘communications radio man’ just like the call in, in that vid.

    Was the word DINK used in the original @2:05ish?


  39. @ BFH – Ghost did not ‘like/thumbs up’ the ‘good guy’ part.

    Why would Ghost and go and do that?

    What an complete full blown ASSHOLE that guy is??

    He CAN be ONE at times…ya know.

    Just sayin’.

  40. Slingblade: Get out you retard.

    And Rain Man, ‘Stop acting like a fucking retard’, that guy makes a LIST.

    I typed in ‘movies about retards’

    Top Ten Funniest Movie ‘Retards’ according to Goolag:

    Karl Childers – Sling Blade.
    Andrew Largeman – Garden State.
    Bobby Boucher – The Waterboy.
    Raymond Babbitt – Rain Man.
    Sam Dawson – I am Sam.
    Forrest Gump – Forrest Gump.
    The cast of The Ringer.
    Warren Jensen – There’s Something About Mary.


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