Frmr DNC Official: ‘The Bulls**t Candidates’ Will Steal Time from ‘Our Legitimate Ones’ – IOTW Report

Frmr DNC Official: ‘The Bulls**t Candidates’ Will Steal Time from ‘Our Legitimate Ones’

A former Democratic National Committee official is worried that the party’s overly inclusive primary process is going to give too much valuable debate time to “the bullshit candidates” in the race.

Speaking with the Hill, the *unnamed official didn’t single out anyone specifically from the field of 22 candidates. The official did mourn that because of the low threshold for making the first debate stage in June—getting donations from 65,000 unique people or reaching 1 percent in three different national polls—the more serious contenders will get crowded out by the “random people.”

“It was smart to add the grass-roots fundraising component, but when you throw in the 1 percent polling requirement, now all these random people get a spot on the stage,” the official said.

“I’m all for inclusion and competitive primaries, but no one can tell me it’s actually good for us to have this many candidates on stage. It wasn’t good for Republicans and they at least had an undercard debate. My fear is the bullshit candidates will take away from our legitimate ones. We saw how that worked for Republicans. They nominated Donald Trump.”  more here

 * Unnamed official:


23 Comments on Frmr DNC Official: ‘The Bulls**t Candidates’ Will Steal Time from ‘Our Legitimate Ones’

  1. The Democrat elite leaders are like the Republican elite leaders in that they both think they control the party and decide who its candidates should be instead of letting their their membership make that choice.

  2. “Bullshit” and “Legitimate”. A distinction without a difference in the Dem primary. They’re all at the kiddie table. Just some “random people” running for something.

  3. Just their usual graft game to fill their pockets. In the end, they’ll roll out a candidate that appeals to the “masses”.
    I’m thinking this cycle they intend barack as 1st lady.
    They loves them some dynasty… as we all know.

  4. I find it ironic that in 2016 they ran the Anointed Dowager Empress vs the old Commie, just so she would have someone to “compete” against in the primaries; now they lament the sheer number of their Primary candidates as “bullshit” choices? I should buy more popcorn.

  5. Jarhead Cracka, buy plenty. Just the deployment of the Superduperdelegates will be worth a couple bags of kernels. Or jars of kernels if you prefer heheh

  6. Reminds me of all the 2016 Bullsh*t candidates thrown into the mix by the hacks of the RNC. Kasich, Graham 2.Zero, Christie, Carly and little Marco.

    Please clap.

  7. “We saw how that worked for Republicans. They nominated Donald Trump”

    Yes, and that has resulted in having the best President EVER!

    You can only fantasize to think the dems will find as good of a choice. . . Dickhead!

  8. “Here’s hoping that the final number of declared candidates reaches 50 or so. I just want to see the debate, should be fun.” – Acoustic Conservative

    OMG, that stage would be a catastrophic calamitous cacophony of crazy for coo-coo puff communist cocksuckers

  9. Lots of BS Democrat presidental candidates will be existing their clown bus before the debates, “for the good of the party” – soon after their campaign payola gets deposited in overseas bank accounts.


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