Parents sue school district for $1M, allege teacher asked son if he’s transgender. – IOTW Report

Parents sue school district for $1M, allege teacher asked son if he’s transgender.

Teacher convinces 8 year-old that he might be transgender.


The mother and father in Woodburn are now suing a school district for nearly a million dollars after they say a second-grade teacher singled out their son by asking him if he was transgender. The parents say the teacher had inappropriate conversations with the child at school without their permission.

The parents said the teacher asked their son if he thought he was a girl multiple times. They say the teacher held the boy back from recess several times to watch videos and read books about being transgender. The parents say the teacher got those materials from one of her transgender friends. The parents say they had no idea these conversations were taking place in April of 2018.

The parents say this all started when their son started using the staff restroom because of a stomach problem. They say their son was uncomfortable using the boy’s bathroom because of his medical condition. However, they believe the teacher assumed their son was uncomfortable because he was transgender.

“Still today, a year later, if he plays with my niece, he’s a girl in that moment… if he plays with my nephew, he’s a boy,” said the mother.


ht/ christian pdx & homeschool your children

15 Comments on Parents sue school district for $1M, allege teacher asked son if he’s transgender.

  1. and they call me a conspiracy nut? There is a conspiracy dammit.

    If you think some thing like this is just a one-off, you are a fool. These little liberal bitches the colleges are putting out know that they get your brat for 6 hours a day and can program them as they wish.

  2. I’ve never seen such confusion, chaos, hatred and division caused by such a tiny fraction of the population! Gays are whut… 2 – 4% of the population? Transgenders are an even tinier slice of that yet! I don’t know what it really is, but let’s say it is 4% of the 4%. That makes it .0016% of the population!
    So the bottom line is the Left, along with their Knee-Pad media, are making a HUGE deal out of next to nothing! They are glorifying it and putting so-called “Victims” on a pedestal. You can’t hardly turn on the TV and not see something featuring Gays and Transgenders! They would have you thinking that many of yer neighbors are walking around “altered”! This is like the nuclear bomb of Political Correctness… and they KNOW IT!
    Sadly they are using it to destroy this country from within by taking advantage of the mentally ill! That’s what people really need to realize!
    Put it into perspective people and recognize what the Left is really attempting to do!

  3. @ scr_north May 10, 2019 at 12:53 am While I agree with you the teacher involved will not pay a penny of any settlement. Again, it will be the taxpayers that will pay either directly to the settlement or through increased insurance premiums. The teacher may lose their job (doubtful as the union will protect them) but the State will probably not suspend the teaching license so they will be free to carry on in another school convinced of their rectitude.


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