Cop in hot water for using “n-word” – IOTW Report

Cop in hot water for using “n-word”

How dare she use a word that she hears uttered about 3000 times a day by the very people who populate her district!!!!!

I’m not saying what she did was kosher, but I’m not buying the nonsensical reason some blacks give to try and explain why they call each other the horrible word.

12 Comments on Cop in hot water for using “n-word”

  1. …Jim Crowe for White people. There’s a different, and MUCH more severe, set of rules for White people based on nothing but skin color.

    …but that’s not racist, or a volation of the 14th Amendment or anything, because, White…

  2. Oh My Gosh, that’s disturbing. Not.
    When you work in a shithole city, you speak and act like those you are arresting.
    I don’t what words she uses as long as she gets the job done.

  3. …we had one like this in Cincinnati, where there was a White cop AND a Black cop who BOTH used the “N Word” because a woman they were dealing with was ACTING like an “N Word”. The city ultimately suspended them BOTH, but again, you want them to relate to “the community” but NOT use the argot of “The Community”? Good luck with that…

    …also, I would LOVE to see how the rule is written that now spells this out in the Officer’s Handbook. I mean, LEGALLY, the City would HAVE to say EXACTLY what word you’re not allowed to use, or any half-assed lawyer will take you apart, so does the rule – which is for ALL City employees – cause the City employee who WROTE it to have to take a suspension? How do they discuss application and potential violations of it? Does it apply to the City attorneys who may have to defend it in court?

    …so many questions, so much butthurt, over one word that SO common that it was sang REPEATEDLY in the Obama White House. Look at ANY Jay-Z song to see what I mean…

    …and here we thought “unwords” were just an Orwellian fever dream…

  4. Creepy Biden says Jim Crow is creeping back in.

    Really? When an investigation is being launched because an officer used a single word in proper context. Yea, it’s really creeping back in. Had the officer been black everything would be peachy though.

    nigga, please. The tail is wagging the dog.

  5. Gee Wally, when Jackass Joe said “They’re going to put you all back in chains” who knew he wuz referring to White people?

    One thing is for sure Beave, he sure as Hell didn’t!

  6. It’s a perfectly good word.
    I’ve heard it in movies for 40 years.
    Samuel L. Jackson uses it – so you know it’s OK.
    It’s a Hollyweird staple – so it MUST be OK.

    Part of the American lexicon.

    The Perpetually Offended are gonna be offended perpetually, whether you use that word or another – makes no difference.
    By asking “Have you ever used the word ‘nigger’?” one must use the word, even if it’s disguised by the euphemistic ‘n-word’.

    So, niggah, please …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The word has been blown out of all proportion for the purpose of bludgeoning white people, to keep them cowering and subdued. This officer was standing next to a black cop and they work a tough neighborhood so she saw it as no big deal. This is an excuse by all the usual creeps to bash law enforcement.
    You’ll notice that those same people never shy from making racist statements about whites.

  8. “How dare she use a word that she hears uttered about 3000 times a day by the very people who populate her district!!!!!”

    Paraphrase of what Mark Fuhrman should have testified during the OJ trail.
    Instead the pussy lied, even though the dumbfuck knew the defense had tapes of him using “nigger” in a proposed screen play. Sigh*


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