Getaway Driver in Brinks Murder of 2 Police Officers and an Armed Guard is Released – IOTW Report

Getaway Driver in Brinks Murder of 2 Police Officers and an Armed Guard is Released


Judith Clark, who entered prison as a left-wing revolutionary defiantly refusing to participate in her own murder trial, walked free on Friday as a 69-year-old woman acclaimed for her work behind bars with service dogs, AIDS patients and inmates with babies.

Clark made her initial report to her parole officer after leaving prison, state corrections spokesman Thomas Mailey said.

Clark will live in Manhattan. She will “be closely supervised to ensure her full compliance with all of the conditions of her parole,” Mailey said.

Clark, sentenced to 75-years-to-life for her role as getaway driver in a deadly 1981 Brink’s heist in suburban New York, became eligible for parole after Gov. Andrew Cuomo granted her clemency in 2016. The Democrat praised her as a model prisoner. Supporters said she embodied the prison system’s ideals as an institution of rehabilitation rather than retribution.

But some law enforcement officials, politicians and families of victims opposed her release. The $1.6 million armored truck robbery led to the shooting deaths of Brink’s guard Peter Paige and Nyack police officers Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown.

“While this is a wonderful day for Judy Clark and her family, she recognizes that news of her release may cause upset to the victims’ families and wants to express her ongoing concern for these communities,” her family said in a prepared statement. “She plans to live her life outside, as she did inside, in atonement for the harm she caused.”


How about Antifa, and today’s “revolutionaries,” repent and atone right now instead of waiting decades to announce to the world that they are assholes?

ht/ js

17 Comments on Getaway Driver in Brinks Murder of 2 Police Officers and an Armed Guard is Released

  1. Any mercy shown to these people should be given by the victims families not political animals like cuomo, this just tortures the people left behind.
    Jesus will forgive them if they show contrition, but you will have to suffer the consequences here on earth.

  2. Mark Twain is widely credited with saying, “I’ve never wished a man dead, but have read some obituaries with great interest.”

    I will be waiting, with great interest.

  3. She should have been executed then.
    This judicial abortion wouldn’t be taking place.


    did time and SHOULD have been executed: and the world paid for those oversights.
    We’re still paying.

    izlamo delenda est …


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