Nadler: No Mueller Testimony Next Week – IOTW Report

Nadler: No Mueller Testimony Next Week


According to House Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler, special counsel Robert Mueller will not be testifying to the committee next week.

While speaking to reporters on the matter Friday, Nadler said he was still in negotiations with the Justice Department over Mueller’s hearing.

The chairman also said he expects Mueller to appear before the panel eventually, and may even subpoena the special counsel if he has to.

Nadler had tentatively slated Mueller to testify for May 15th, but it is unknown when the committee will come to an agreement with the Department of Justice.


16 Comments on Nadler: No Mueller Testimony Next Week

  1. Mrs. Manderin, who is as non-political as they come, said the other day about the worthless demoncraps, “What are they doing to help the American people?”

    She already knows the answer.

  2. Nadler reminds me of the kid who wants to take the ball and go home with it. Note To Nadler : It isn’t your ball! You stole it from some littler kid who has a brother twice your size.

  3. Nothing will stop the demoncrats until Trump stops fighting back and starts attacking.

    I heard a guy on either Mike Gallagher or Rush state that its way past time for Trump to call special investigator to investigate the whole government corruption. Or better still several special investigations; FBI, DOJ, CLINTONS, the loss of funds in the obama government that remains unaccounted for, voter fraud, oh, my, which one first?

    But pick one or two, make a conservative the head, hire only Trump aligned lawyers and so on. Unlimited budget, unlimited powers of investigation. Start sending investigators into every crack of the left.

    The chief investigator must not be from the swamp.

  4. Benito the Bombed Beaner MAY 11, 2019 AT 2:06 AM


    ….SHHHH! If our matador Donald Trump is distracting the bull from goring US, PLEASE don’t complain…

  5. No subpoena? No threats of contempt? No deadlines?

    They say they want Mr. Integrity in front of Congress, but they don’t. They can’t afford to have him under oath answering questions from the other side. Questions from the donkeys won’t yield any slime he didn’t put in his written character assassination, but I expect there are some rather obvious questions that could really make him squirm. I doubt that “I don’t recall” on questions related to how he spent the last two years will fly.

  6. Nadler has’t locked down Mueller’s testimony. He is trying to figure out how he can have Mueller say what Nadler wants him to say without Mueller being charged with perjury.

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