Jeff Glor Hands CBS Evening News Over To Norah O’Donnell – IOTW Report

Jeff Glor Hands CBS Evening News Over To Norah O’Donnell

Remember when CBS Evening New was anchored by Walter Cronkite? “And that’s the way it is” was his and the nation’s catch phrase for decades. I read the headline for this story and thought, “who’s Norah O’Donnell and for that matter Jeff Glor?” I lost track somewhere along the way after Bob Schieffer and had forgotten entirely that they once entrusted this marque enterprise to light-weight Katie Couric.

Given the list of nobodies that have followed, the legacy of this once iconic program is long gone. More


28 Comments on Jeff Glor Hands CBS Evening News Over To Norah O’Donnell

  1. Awright, Gayle King is being elevated to some new position. God knows that is gonna require a couple of Clysdales and a Peterbuilt wrecker with one hell of a winch……

  2. Yeah, old father Cronkite: And that’s the way it wasen’t, or isen’t. The TET offensive,lost according to Walter and Dan Rather.
    They won the Vietnam war for the communists. I doubt Norah will be any different. Phuckemall!

  3. Gee, another anchor telling us how really awesome he is, his crew, and the network that he works for, and how dedicated everyone is at being just so bitchingly spectacular at their jobs…………..boring.

    Of course nobody has heard of this guy. The MSM sold their souls (those that had souls) to the DNC decades ago. They are all shills, just too arrogant to admit it.

  4. This should go well (not)–Norah O’Donnell is a Queen of Fake News so I will enjoy watching the ratings swirl further down the drain. Yeah, let’s throw a woman in there and see if she can do better than Couric did. HAHAHAHAHA!

  5. I was thinking the 1/2 hour news program should be perfect for today’s busy individual needing a summary of the day’s events that can be trusted.

    Instead those seeking to be informed are going for the long form format, like Joe Rogan or Dave Rubin and have abandoned network news for podcast and YouTube channels.

    Their dishonest have cost them their audience. They’re all but dead now as an influence on society, but they’re incapable of admitting it and changing their ways.

  6. Old Wally was a leftist, arrogant ass.

    He was allowed into Hue City during Tet ’68 to learn about the fighting. It was a tough slog but the Marines and a handful of soldiers took the city and surrounding area back from the NVA, street by street, block by block and village by village. Their performance was brilliant. What does this asshole do? Goes home and lies about what went on there and began a most-vile propaganda campaign. I sincerely hope the fat bastard rots in hell.

  7. Always hear how great Walter was as a television newsman. There were basically only three major networks at the time. Not like there was lots of competition.

  8. As I remember being at grandparents houses, they were always tuned into the Huntley/Brinkley report. I really don’t much remember watching Cronkite much.

  9. Story time…

    Back in the day there was a local news guy by the name of Len O’Conner who ended the broadcast every evening with “his take” on whatever topic or subject merited his form of editorializing. Had a strong following here in the Chicago market and looked at by most as honest and unapproachable for anything underhanded. Would end his bits every night with “AND I AM LEN O’CONNER.”

    Well one night he went off on a lengthy diatribe praising to the highest degree one of the local politicians with example after example as to why this turd was god’s gift to mankind and really had you thinking WTF! Finally ended the editorial and said, “AND I AM THE EASTER BUNNY!”


  10. I think is was Rush Limbaugh that broke up their monopoly on the News.
    Talk Radio shoved it up their asses. Now they have a virtual army of actual assholes, some blonde with long legs, some with suits and ties,giving us the news. They suck. They lie. Most of them don’t have a clue. Take Allison Comeratto, CNN for example, She’s an idiot.

  11. Was Cronkite the first ‘news man’ who introduced the concept of injecting news into pop culture programming?
    Remember how Ted Knight/Baxter was star struck when Cronkite was on the Mary Tyler Moore Show in the late 70s? Now the blur between news and pop culture is omnipresent. There is no difference.

    I despise Cronkite for posing as a news man but was really a leftist propagandist who caused the American people to turn against the war effort, but vilified our fighting men returning from the war. Many people hid their service and sacrifice, feeling shame for serving.

    Cronkite built that.

  12. They might as well be AI-generated talking heads sitting on top of a desk (or suspended in air) mouthing the 4th Estate / Government / Corporate Cabal’s propaganda, which is what we hear anyway. I believe absolutely nothing on network TV news unless I corroborate it independently on the web. (Correct thread)

  13. 1968 was the year that everything started changing in America. Prior to that we were wining the war in Vietnam until Cronkite said that we lost Tet which only emboldened the N Vietnamese commies to think they could win after we basically gave up at home in the USA on winning the war. The damn hippies were causing a lot of young people to tune in, turn on and drop out. 68 brought us Nixon after LBJ and democraps totally lost it during the riots at the DNC convention in Chicago that Summer, it was a water shed yr. when everything bad started to happen from which we haven’t fully recovered yet but President Trump and the deplorables hopefully may finally put an end to it. 1972-76 weren’t much better especially with Mr. Peanut becoming President. Then we got Reagan and now we have Trump so things are getting better. Sometimes I think that my generation the baby boomers is it’s own worst enemy in how they bought into all this socialist bs and SJW nonsense and continue to believe in it, hook, line and stinker.

  14. Glor was a touchy, feely Soy Boy, who cried at the end of almost every broadcast. O’Donnell “reports” the news like a cold hearted, ball busting beotch who fakes her way through emotions. Progressives are an assortment of gender bending loons and they love how they’ve warped network news. Yes, I’ve bravely watched big leftist network news to get a take on just how far they will go to gaslight their imbecile audience. It’s kind of entertaining, sad and infuriating.

  15. @Different Tim
    MAY 11, 2019 AT 7:49 PM
    “As I remember being at grandparents houses, they were always tuned into the Huntley/Brinkley report. I really don’t much remember watching Cronkite much.”

    Didn’t matter which of the three networks you watched; they all read from the same script. In my house growing up in LA, we also had KTTV and KTLA both conservative news outlets, kind of like Fox used to be.


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