This was a subway ad in Canada – IOTW Report

This was a subway ad in Canada

There were worse examples. I’m not posting them. You get the idea.

35 Comments on This was a subway ad in Canada

  1. Demand equal treatment for heterosexual ads. What’s next, inter species sex, child slavery? When is this crap going to be stopped? Not through ‘tolerance’.

    Tolerance for everything is chaos. Keep your damn sex prevalence to yourself!

  2. Well without the multicultural squirrels rubbing on each other, when I saw the thumbnail, I thought to myself; “I think I still want sex.”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Thought title was about a Subway sandwich shop. Brings a whole new meaning to a foot long.

    To start, 25% tariffs and a thorough decontamination on Eastern Canadian imports.

  4. Ya know………guys enjoy looking at shapely females and that makes for enhanced advertising when properly displayed.
    The same in reverse.
    But, the relentless, in-your-face, sexual innuendos of gays, queers and freaks-of-nature that attempt to force Christians to accept the unacceptable is beyond the pale and completely uncalled for.

    We know their intent, we know their resolve. They insist on forcing their beliefs on those of us that refuse it from the start.

    They are to be shunned, they are to be scorned…..they are to be eliminated from society.

  5. Where’s the poster of the white guy sitting in his easy chair reading the sports page while his girlie girl is wearing a french maids outfit with heels while making pot roast?

    The other poster would be of some drunk guy coming out of a strip club with a hooker on each arm.

  6. Normalizing the abnormal. It’s the only thing the Left does well.
    If anybody calls me a “bigot” I will remind them I have the absolute right to be offended by overt, outrageous, in-yer-face homosexuality! I don’t care what you do behind closed doors, just don’t expose me or my family to it!
    That borders on pornography and it used to be illegal. They only get away with it today because of Political Correctness! That shit’s gotta stop!

  7. @Parker Thorne…”Obama’s bathroom is papered in these signs. It inspires him whenever he drops his pants.” Which obama were you referring to Barry or Mike?

  8. I wondered once upon a time ago how full Heaven must be with all of the souls that had passed on. Now I think that Heaven, based upon what I am seeing, isn’t all that crowded.

  9. It went from “we just want equality” to “you will have gay sex shoved in your face everywhere you go and you will like it!!!”

    I’m beginning to wish we’d locked the closet.

  10. @ DavidW, I guarantee that hell is empty………. all the demons are here!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  11. Homosexuality is, by its very nature, anti-life and anti-child. For all the talk of “diversity,” homosexuality is “the love of same.”

    All of Leftism is like this. Every policy, every initiative of the Left is an assault upon God’s created order and upon Fruitfulness. Once you “see” it…you see it in everything the Left does. This is why “gay marriage” is so harmful. It is the glorification of that which can never bear fruit. There is only self-gratification. It is a mockery; it is Death.

  12. The website has a labyrinth of health advice before sex, about AIDS and other nasties, during, and after, when you get infected anyway and have to seek help at a clinic.

    The “friends” of gays, are helping them right to the grave site. How nice of them.

  13. “Guy doin’ the crabwalk while a skinny prostitute from Thailand is suspended above him in one of those spinning baskets.”

    It was posts like this that would garner me an email from Admingirl….


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