Evil Capitalism – IOTW Report

Evil Capitalism

Stronger than derp


14 Comments on Evil Capitalism

  1. History teaches us that the top picture probably isn’t ‘sustainable.’ Whereas the bottom one definitely is. You’ve got to hand it to the Socialists for promoting sustainability.

  2. When Obama was in the White House, he did something stupid that pissed me off one day. I had to reorder new checks the next day and I had them print “Socialism is slavery. Capitalism IS social justice.” on the front of the checks. I’ve had that on my checks ever since.

  3. Socialism will never work, regardless of who in charge.
    Once the government owns everything, healthcare, housing, jobs, education, free everything.
    There isn’t anybody left to pay the bills.

    Alexander Tytler
    From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

  4. Larrythefake- uh, I mean –enlightenedliberal doesn’t generate near the outrage he used to. I think they’re on to you, Lar – might be time to adopt another persona.

    P.S. – Same for you, Cassandra.

    P.P.S. – I’m starting to miss Bad Brad. Hope he hasn’t been banned for his (possibly drunken) indiscretions. If so, maybe President Trump can intercede with a pardon.


  5. BET Venezuelans wish THEY HAD a store FULL of, “evil capitalism,” about NOW… 😳

    AS does every country in South America, Europe, Asia, Africa… 😳 😳 😳

  6. Hey Larry? You’re full of shit. Socialism has been tried in so many people in so many countries so many times that it isn’t coincidence that Socialism has ALWAYS FAILED.

    *France under Rousseau.
    *Russia under Lenin, Stalin, Beriya, Kruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev
    *Pol pot Cambodia
    *Vietnam ho chi Minh
    *North Korea under the Kims
    *Germany under the National Socialists
    *Italy under the Fascists
    *Cuba under the Castro’s and Guevera
    *Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro
    *Nicaragua under Ortega…twice
    *Progressivism under Woody Wilson, Frank Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, War Criminal Johnson, Carter, Corrupt Clinton, Mohammedan Obola


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