AOC buys into the idea of a Trump supporter supporting her – IOTW Report

AOC buys into the idea of a Trump supporter supporting her


The openly socialist lawmaker has been an outspoken opponent of President Donald Trump, including saying she would support impeachment proceedings against him.

Ocasio-Cortez said she asked the man how he could support both her and the president.

“‘With all respect sir, how do you… manage to support both of us at the same time?’” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, recounting what happened.

The lawmaker said the man replied that Ocasio-Cortez is “one of the only ones” who has been “decisive” on climate change.

Ocasio-Cortez concluded her story saying, “All of this is to say don’t let any politician, no matter the party, lecture you about what is ‘possible’ or ‘electable.”

“If you don’t understand this man’s sign – or don’t approach it with a desire to – then you do not understand this political moment. The same folks who said Trump was impossible in 2016 are the same ones lecturing on what’s “electable” in 2020. Don’t buy it. Vote your values.”


No, I don’t understand the sign.

27 Comments on AOC buys into the idea of a Trump supporter supporting her

  1. Politico has a story up about people in MAGA hats at a Warren campaign speech voicing support for her. It looks like this is the left’s most recent attempt at trying to convince people that Trump supporters are abandoning him in favor of promises of free stuff.
    I call bulloney on it all. Anyone can buy a hat.

  2. “Phony Baloney, it looks like macaroni.”

    If this story was true, Cortez would have taken a selfie with the father and son. No one to corroborate her story this way.

  3. I do not take anyone who thinks we can do much
    of anything about their ridiculous concept of AGW
    seriously. I do consider them gullible fools.
    The Sun is going into one of its cyclical
    minimums. It will be Colder and Wetter for years
    into the future.
    Food will be scarcer and more expensive.
    People in poor countries will face dangerously
    low levels of available food rescourses.
    Times are going to get harder for much of the World
    and the fools who declared CO2 to be a pollutant
    are going to be hoping it goes up off the charts.
    Don’t believe it? Read some history about global
    conditions during solar minimums.
    Lots of dead people lying about, starved or killed in wars.

  4. La Loca’s account is pure hogwash, and stupid hogwash at that.

    Theoretically, though, I could see a Trump supporter hoping that she’d be the Dem nominee for the 2020 election because she’d be the easiest one to squash like a bug.

  5. The ONLY reason there are over 7 BILLION people living on the planet right now without extreme famine is attributable because of one primary reason: Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    Democrats are dead set on creating mass famine by forcing CO2 levels down. If it’s even possible no one knows.

    Go ahead, achieve the 1 ppb CO2 drop and you’ll almost instantly see hundreds of million of people drop dead.

    Raise the CO2 levels 1 point and Earth will support another couple billion people.

    Again, liberals have it completely backwards and wrong. My findings are based on basic science. Prove me wrong.

  6. This brings me to something that’s been bugging me lately. Just what is this bullshit with crap all over the doors? I expect it from college freshmen and third graders, but come on,ladies. You’re adults now. And while I am a fan of openness and sunlight in Congress, I am not thrilled with the backstage passes for adoring plants and their saccharine props. Cut the crap and grow up.

  7. Notice that she said they were hanging the sign. The picture suggests that all of the post-it notes are from Trump supporters. And as AbigailAdams said, if it were true she would have taken a selfie with them.

  8. Notice the time on her nit-twit.

    4:00 PM – May 10, 2019

    I suppose she isn’t expected to spend much of the day there at the office. Probably gets there around noon? Who knows?


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