FISA Extensions On Carter Page Illegal, According To diGenova – IOTW Report

FISA Extensions On Carter Page Illegal, According To diGenova

Washington Examiner

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

In an investigation that began last year, Inspector General Michael Horowitz is examining the Justice Department’s and FBI’s compliance with legal requirements as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to Page as part of a larger counterintelligence probe into Trump’s campaign. More

10 Comments on FISA Extensions On Carter Page Illegal, According To diGenova

  1. no matter what this will never see the light of day on progressive media including social media.

    Members of Congress are flat out declaring Trump is a traitor. Russian stooge, and insist that’s all in the Muller report.

    How can the general public be so blind? Footnote: The presidential election bubble of 2018.

  2. At some point the DOJ has to ask their Magic 8Ball:
    “Are we working for the Media, the democRATs or the Law?”
    If the answer comes up as “The Law” then damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

  3. Operation Hurricane Blowback is just getting started. It will prove to be worth the wait. So many sanctimonious, seditious, shysters and lying hypocrites are going to be swept up in this, that it will make Watergate look like a third rate burglary.

  4. Fine. Shoot ’em. File charges if you have standing. We’re way past “raising awareness” (gag) at this point. Defecate or evacuate. Or continue to clutch at the pearls around your necks and wonder why increasingly less attention gets paid.

    Yes, I’m trying to start a fire if it isn’t phuckin’ obvious at this point. Jeez.

  5. @TRF May 12, 2019 at 7:56 pm

    > At some point the DOJ has to ask their Magic 8Ball:
    > โ€œAre we working for the Media, the democRATs or the Law?โ€

    of 1”

  6. As slow and boring as watching a chess match. In DC it’s referred to as deliberate and what that really means is they’re stalling until the dust settles and they can all skulk away unpunished. The longer the wait the more can be covered up. I want to see some brains splattered on the streets of the capital.


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