Chips Ahoy Steps On Their Tucked _ _ _ _ – IOTW Report

Chips Ahoy Steps On Their Tucked _ _ _ _

Chips Ahoy has a new online spokesthing –>

It’s not going well for them.

After people complained they mocked the complainers!

Wash Times-

Nabisco’s Chips Ahoy! cookie brand on Sunday mocked people who were upset over the company’s Mother’s Day ad that featured a recent contestant on “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

Jose Cancel, a drag queen who uses the stage name Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, recorded a video for the cookie company urging people to buy cookies for their moms and “drag moms” for Mother’s Day.

The video is being ratioed on Twitter, meaning it’s receiving far more responses than retweets — many by users who were offended by the beloved cookie brand using a drag queen to push their product.

Chips Ahoy! seems unfazed, however, mocking the haters with a cry-face emoji.

ht/ hot salsa

39 Comments on Chips Ahoy Steps On Their Tucked _ _ _ _

  1. I am truly getting tired of this, but I can’t say “ahoy” to their crappy cookies because I don’t buy them in the first place. They really can’t see how comparing mothers who love and nurture their children to mentally ill perverts might be offensive?

  2. Remember, Nabisco makes a whole lot of other products – they take up most of the shelf space where they are. I buy Keebler crackers and cookies when I want something. I buy generic for others (though Nabisco might actually make the generic, at least they won’t make as much money for the “dude looks like a lady” celebrants.

  3. So this twat is shilling Chips-Ahoy cookies unaware perhaps that at her twitter site she’s have a huge “ShoutOut” to “all dick suckers”. Yep I’m sure mothers all over America if they had that pointed out to them would run out to buy the favorite cookies of this dick sucking biological curiosity.

  4. They’re just mexican made crap. They screwed their union member employees and moved their cookie making facilities to mexico, and they use GMO products in their recipes. That and lots of fructose. Yummy.
    jerk cookies- made for jerks

    @DavidW: “…I buy Keebler crackers and cookies when I want something…”
    As much as I don’t care for jeffie sessions, I would be inclined to do the same

  5. The Nabisco CEO came out as a Trump hater after the 2016 election, so I stopped buying their shit. I used to buy a lot of their Cheese-it crackers, but now I buy either Goldfish or just put cheese on regular saltines. Eff Nabisco.

  6. Well, wrote a snail mail thanks be to the Good General.

    If their goal was to see how fast they could Gillette themselves that was a step in the right direction. If only they would have posted it on Youtube the word would have gotten out quicker.

  7. Why isn’t drag considered the gender equivalent of blackface. Isn’t men dressing up as exaggerated charicatures of women the same as whites dressing up as blacks in the same manner?

  8. I’m not offended or shocked, just tired of having people throw their most private predilections in my face. I really don’t want to know what these freaks prefer in bed, or what they like to eat once they get all their makeup and costumes on.

  9. This is what happens when you put enlightened SJW types in charge of your marketing. People that have no issue destroying a brand that was built over decades to push some ridiculous agenda that had nothing to do with their product. Drag queens and cookies, huh?!

  10. Chips Ahoy could be Nabisco/Mondolez and many of their products are made in Mexico, if they are even labeled anymore as to origin of manufacture. So no more Nabisco at my house. I like recipe cookies like my mom made.

  11. @the good general Svejk, thanks for the tip but from general to general, it is a WASTE of time, these corporate execs, not our father or grandfathers, hate us. They have decided to give up on traditional Judeo-Christians vales to the valueless ANY goes bunch..

    Fuck em. All preservatives, go and buy a choc chip at the local bakery, yes more expensive but BETTER and bigger usually…

    Just do NOT buy Nabisco products very simple there is SO much to choose from in AMERICA in those beautiful store aisles filled with food, cookies and choices.

  12. @dee
    MAY 13, 2019 AT 6:04 PM
    “Chips Ahoy could be Nabisco/Mondolez …”
    Yes, they are, and if you are going to boycott them, be prepared to do without a lot of the products you are used to. They make damn near everything on the supermarket shelves.

  13. You just have to marvel at these new age MBAs who somehow think that pandering to 2% of the population is good business, let alone good math…
    but ya know whut?
    I don’t think I would fire them.
    I’d fire the asshole that hired them!

  14. No more cookies for Do4.

    Went as carb free as I could this Winter.

    Avoiding sugar wasn’t enough.

    Very boring, but it’s working well. Could call it extreme Keto.

  15. “I’d fire the asshole that hired them!”

    Exactly. Who’s pushing the buttons and making these decisions? They are the ones forcing things on the majority. If a super minority rules, that’s messed up.

    Like when a few judges overturned the will of the people in Kali that overwhelmingly voted to ban gay marriage.

  16. @Anonymous

    Yes, thank you. I found that out some time ago. I was looking at a box of Cheeze-Its with suspicion. I saw it was Sunshine on the front, and looked on the back and saw the Nabisco name at the bottom. I put it back on the shelf.

    I don’t know what sort of CEO alienates half the population of the country by coming out publicly on one side of a presidential election. A stupid one.

    Possibly he was kissing the asses of his Mexican masters. In any case, no American should ever kiss the ass of a foreigner, or bow, or curtsy, or call them “your Highness”, or any of that crap. Our athletes at an Olympic Games (London, 1908) refused to bow to the King of England. That is how it should work.

    Eff ’em all.

  17. TonyR could you be more specific? I eat lots of non-processed and also pastured animal products, organics, too. I think I can pretty much get by without Mondoleze unless you can show me otherwise. Remember when this was discussed during last Presidential election, the Oreos made in Mexico? Can we not make cookies in the US?

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