Post-Legalization, Marijuana Smuggling Explodes at LAX – IOTW Report

Post-Legalization, Marijuana Smuggling Explodes at LAX


Drug trafficking arrests at Los Angeles International Airport have risen 166 percent in the year since California legalized marijuana state-wide.

In 2018, LAX police made 101 trafficking arrests, the Los Angeles Times reports. This represents a substantial increase over the 38 arrests in 2017 and 20 in 2016, according to police records obtained by the LAT.

“This is normal procedure for these guys, and I would say 29 out of 30 times they make it through without a problem,” said Bill Kroger Jr., a lawyer defending a would-be trafficker profiled in the LAT‘s reporting.

Comporting with state law, it is legal for individuals to possess up to 28.5 grams of marijuana or 8 grams of concentrated marijuana at the airport. But California prohibits selling marijuana out of state, as the drug remains federally illegal, with the skies the jurisdiction of the federal government.

In spite of this, police are seeing more and more bags containing large quantities of marijuana, often disguised with tinfoil or wax paper. One officer told the Times that they have routinely seen 50-pound quantities stowed in carry-on luggage.  more here

8 Comments on Post-Legalization, Marijuana Smuggling Explodes at LAX

  1. Daughter and I don’t smoke the stuff or eat it or dunno.
    It stinks. A lot.
    People who carry the stuff, smoke it or eat it or dunno what they do with it have gone nose blind. They stink like skunks who are very unhappy. Their homes stink, their cars stink, their clothes stink and it’s awful.
    For everyone who thought cigarettes or cigars were horrible, just take a smell of the now approved way to ruin your lungs..marijuana.
    We even think the stinky stuff was approved by the authorities who wanted an easy way to find the stuff. ???

  2. Imagine,,,
    Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,
    ruining your life over some pot.
    79 years later,,,,
    Like the Lollipop Kids were not wrecked,,

  3. @Lowell May 14, 2019 at 6:01 pm

    > Imagine a government involving themselves in something like this. Boggles the mind, don’t it?

    Nope. Nope, nope, nope.
    (I need a cartoon dog deputy clip.)

  4. From the article

    “Kroger said the consequences for getting stopped at a California airport with two checked bags of marijuana were relatively minor: a misdemeanor charge for someone without a history of drug or violent offenses.”

    Two suitcases packed with bud represents a very substantial profit. Compared to the substantial profit to be made, the low odds of getting caught, and the slap on the hand if you are caught, there are plenty of people willing to fly it out of state. Growers has no problem recruiting help.

  5. Most laws are not victimless. Prohibition of so called “vices” are front and center of the progressive movement since it started in the nineteenth century.

    Let’s all hear it for the police state.


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