Truck Driver vs Police – IOTW Report

Truck Driver vs Police

Cop Loses It On Truck Driver! Surprise Ending!

21 Comments on Truck Driver vs Police

  1. Just so you know, I support the police and respect the tough jobs they do. I say that even after all the speeding tickets I got … as a youth. I never made excuses!

    The image I used with the doughnut and toy cop car was just a whimsy.

  2. “I’m having a bad day” Translation: Someone pissed in my cornflakes and I’m taking it out on you!……but wait, this has been recorded? Oh shit looks like I’ll have to get you next time.

  3. Question, if the trucker did not have his dash cam on and did not tell the cop that his dashcam recorded the entire incident, would said cop have been so accommodating?

    He clearly did NOT run a red light so the entire stop was unlawful. Yeah, its great that this cop had the decency and emotive control to de-escalate with an apology but it does reveal how much power the police have over citizens and how important it is to make sure those wearing the badge are the very best societry has to offer.

  4. Rich, I watched the video again and noticed that you can see the light turn red just at the beginning of the turn. Don’t know what the law is there, but (not being a truck driver) it seems like he would have had time to stop once the light turned yellow (he wasn’t towing anything, it was just the cab and I counted three seconds before he even entered the intersection after it turned yellow).

  5. Dash cams are your friend.

    One legit reason a cop can pull you over is if there is a BOLO for A vehicle similar to yours. That will peg their adrenaline and you don’t want to worsen it by getting uppity.

    At the same time, courts, including SCOTUS, have repeatedly reaffirmed the public’s right to record police in the course of doing their duties while in public. So if some jumpy LEO demands you turn it off, politely request he get his shift supervisor out there and state “the Supreme Court of the United States has upheld the public taping of police officers.”

    Because the second you turn that off you’re going to get a Wood Shampoo

  6. The change of tone happened only after the dash cam was made known. Sorry, not impressed. If you can’t do your job right – and “right” for a LEO means not abusing your authority – on any given day, take a vacation or personal day.

    Yes, cops have a tough job; I couldn’t do it. But part of what makes it tough is the requirement to be respectful to the public and not throw your weight around. No excuses.

  7. Claudia , the law, at least here in California and most likely in all other states, it that if any portion of your vehicle in within the intersection at time of light change then you are not in violation. This trucker entered on a yellow light and was clearly within the intersection when the light turned to red.

    There are so many legitimate violations out there, to stop someone when it was not warranted, not good.

    Yes, it is a tough job, the hours suck and many times it is tedious and boring punctuated by random scary events. But they are paid well and hold awesome power. The people demand that they are well trained, selectively hired, and behave in accordance with the law. Not too much to ask.

  8. Brown Eyed Girl MAY 14, 2019 AT 2:17 PM

    I think I’ll invest in a dash cam.

    Been advising this for years here.

    Being an unbiased witness, it shuts down liars and ends he-said/she-said completely.

    The first accident after getting one, the woman (no lady) went on a lying spree making up more and more as the clock ticked – two days later she even accused me of threatening to kill her!

    All I did was describe the event on the phone to each agent Both had serious doubts because of all the extreme things she said and everything was so far apart in each of our statements. I put it down on paper exactly as I described it. Made illustrations to go along with each stage of the accident. Zipped together the video, my statement, and illustrations and then made it available to both insurance agencies. Mine immediately saw what a liar she was and denied her claim completely (it was totally her fault, no doubt).

    My favorite moment was when her insurance agent got back to me the next week: “Mr Do4, we are going to assume full liability. Where would you like to get your truck fixed?”

    Now I feel naked if I discover the camera isn’t plugged in while I’m driving.

    Get one! They don’t cost that much and it’s real money and angst you’ll be saving.

    It records your traffic violations too, so drive safely and be courteous!

    I think it helped that the video started with me in a parking lot going through my messages and talking to a customer before I got on the road and started driving. No radio, telephone, or texting was shown to be distracting me while my photos of her showed her phone in her hand from picking it up off her floorboard – why she went into my lane in the first place.

  9. Rich, then he DIDN’T run a red light. Good to know. I’ll have to check here in MI if that’s the same. Thanks!

    To everyone saying, “Get a dash cam!”, I think I will. My nephew is a paramedic, so they have one in the ambulance, which has come in handy more than once. He also has one in his truck and says he will never be without one.

    Dadof4, “It records your traffic violations too”. So, no more speeding for me! Not that I do anymore. Last ticket was 35 years ago.

  10. I’m more of a “I didn’t realize it was a “stop” stop sign when I rolled it, officer” kind of driver. Especially a neighborhood one with no one else around.

    Reviewing it when it was a new thing for me had me notice I had it bad. Almost all of them were rolled (almost a complete stop, but not). I can say it helped me be a better driver, both legally and safety-wise.

  11. I have cameras on my motorcycles. People shut up after they see the video and i have been hit by cars in parking lots and intersections many times over the years.

  12. huron MAY 14, 2019 AT 5:22 PM

    I have cameras on my motorcycles. People shut up after they see the video and i have been hit by cars in parking lots and intersections many times over the years.

    Exactly. People will often lie to get out of responsibility. Who knows the truth? The camera does.

    The last guy went from blaming me for a last second lane change – I was stopped in a turn lane waiting for oncoming traffic to clear – to admitting everything as soon as he saw the camera I was pointing to.

    I should upload it to YT. It’s quite a clip. Once again, the driver had a phone up to an ear and eyes were on something downward in the car. A last second look of panic with tires locking up and screeching for a second – BAM!

    It was the first day I put a camera looking out the rear window. Perfectly captured the whole thing.

    His little car was totaled and my Tundra’s bumper was jammed enough to prevent the tailgate from opening.

    Afterwards, I drove away and he was talking about how his wife was going to kill him.

  13. Huron, thanks. In the lower mainland of BC, Vancouver, Delta, and Abbotsford have departments and Surrey is thinking about it. Everyone else uses the RCMP.

  14. I recommend this one, which includes a rear view camera also.
    I have a screen shot from my dash cam from the instant a fist sized object smacked my windshield at 50+ mph. I thought the windshield would shatter. Amazingly, I only got a small chip.

  15. Just like any other schoolyard bully, the cop was all big and bad until confronted with greater strength.

    The dash cam, in this case, was that bigger stick. Without that the pig would have gone right on pushing the trucker around.

    The next cop I meet that isn’t a piece of shit will be the first cop I meet that isn’t a piece of shit.

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