Deepest Sub Dive Ever Discovers Candy Wrappers – IOTW Report

Deepest Sub Dive Ever Discovers Candy Wrappers

An American explorer went to the depths of the Mariana trench and found… a plastic bag and candy wrappers.

(I have no idea if it was a Blow Pop wrapper, I just thought I’d choose that to make the left feel more comfortable.)


An American explorer has found plastic waste on the seafloor while breaking the record for the deepest ever dive.

Victor Vescovo descended nearly 11km (seven miles) to the deepest place in the ocean – the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench.

He spent four hours exploring the bottom of the trench in his submersible, built to withstand the immense pressure of the deep.

He found sea creatures, but also found a plastic bag and sweet wrappers.

It is the third time humans have reached the ocean’s extreme depths.

The first dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench took place in 1960 by US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh and Swiss engineer Jacques Piccard in a vessel called the bathyscaphe Trieste.

Movie director James Cameron then made a solo plunge half a century later in 2012 in his bright green sub.

The latest descent, which reached 10,927m (35,849ft) beneath the waves, is now the deepest by 11m – making Victor Vescovo the new record holder.


29 Comments on Deepest Sub Dive Ever Discovers Candy Wrappers

  1. We’re fretting about straws and shopping bags here when the reality is China, India and others in the far east are still using the ocean for a garbage can. Most of the trash in the pacific can be traced back to them.
    Never a peep out of the UN about this travesty but we go to extremes here to stop any pollution.
    We should do way more to sanction these pigs.

  2. I don’t believe stories like this. It’s certainly plausible but I’ve been buried by propaganda for so many years I take everything with a grain of salt.

  3. And then two honkys in MAGA hats pulled out their assault rifles and fired 1000 bullets per second at him while quoting hateful bible passages and saying racist things. All while denying global warming.
    Sounds all too politically correct for me

  4. Can always depend on the BBC for the never ending proof of fake news, and HBO and Comcast/CBS providing wealth to British shitty untalented ‘comedians’, John Oliver and James Cordon.
    Let’s not forget Canada at the same time, love that worthless Samantha Bee, Jim Carey, and this a light list! or Australia for Jim Jefferies.
    All of which could not garner enough support in their own countries, for food.
    Like US assholes like Kimmel and Falon is not enough to bear,,

  5. …how do we know they weren’t HIS? HE could have been sucking on a nice chocky and get careless with his trash. Left it stuck to the sub on the surface, now here it is.

    …and now, he’s just trying to play it off…

    …also, check the wardroom. I think the Captain might like the same brand, total coincidence, that…

  6. Davy MAY 14, 2019 AT 11:53 AM
    “And then two honkys in MAGA hats pulled out their assault rifles and fired 1000 bullets per second at him while quoting hateful bible passages and saying racist things. All while denying global warming.”

    …you left out the part where Trump colluded with Russia to get those MAGA hat wearers in position to litter in the first place, so they could affect Hillary’s election, or something…

  7. …you actually DO have Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in effect here. “The act of measurement always disturbs the object measured.”

    …while this is meant to apply only to quantum measurement, bear in mind that you DO have a ship FULL of people over the site, probably support ships, and someone scouted the site BEFORE the submersible was brought in, not to mention other expeditions have been there.

    Since people suck, they do sucky things, like throw things off of ships, drop things off of ships, and sweep things off of ships. I seriously doubt that everyone who chucks their candy wrappers overboard tells the Captain about it, and so here we are…

  8. “… meant to apply only to quantum measurement …”

    Actually, it applies universally (as I’m sure you know well and was just funnin).

    One of our exercises in High School was to figure out the deviation of a baseball (travelling at x ft/sec) by a given quantity of radar energy.

    Needless to say, a good dose of skepticism is in order – the nano-fluxion-non-heuristically though imperfectly sealed pseudo-hosorifictitious magneto-mini-chambers of air (well … Nitrogen) would have prevented the wrappers from descending to that depth.

    And EVERYBODY knows that!

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I’m surprised he didn’t find any tanks, jeeps, trucks or planes that we dropped overboard by our troops on the way home after WWII instead of giving them to Chiang Kai-shek so he could fight the commie mf’r Mao Zedong.


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