Report: DC Leads the Nation for Drug Problems – IOTW Report

Report: DC Leads the Nation for Drug Problems

Breitbart: The U.S. Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is marking National Prevention Week this week, and a report released on Monday shows the District of Columbia comes in as number one in the nation for drug problems.

The website WalletHub put out the report, which ranked all 50 states and the District, stating that the United States spent more than $27.7 billion in the 2018 federal budget to fight drug problems.

After D.C., Michigan, Missouri, West Virginia, Indiana, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Colorado, and New Mexico round out the top ten in chronological order.

Below are some other findings gleaned from the report:

• Alabama has 107 opioid pain reliever prescriptions per 100 residents, leading the nation. On the other end of the spectrum, there are 29 for every 100 D.C. residents.

• West Virginia has 57.80 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 residents. That is 7.1 times more than in Nebraska, which has the fewest at 8.10 per 100,000 residents.

• Rhode Island has the highest share of teens who used illicit drugs in the past month, at 11.81 percent. That is 1.9 times higher than in Utah, which has the lowest at 6.10 percent.

• Oregon has the highest share of adults who used illicit drugs in the past month, at 21.74 percent. That is 2.8 times higher than in North Dakota, which has the lowest at 7.81 percent.

• Blue states have more drug problems than red states — 28.3  percent to 23.10 percent respectively.


13 Comments on Report: DC Leads the Nation for Drug Problems

  1. Who would’ve thought that pot which was illegal back in the 70’s would now be legal? As a former doper I wouldn’t have guessed that in my wildest dreams. And I don’t care what the stupid state of Wash. and other states think, I will never go near it ever again, legal or otherwise. There are already enough dumb ass baby boomers who smoked it then and now think it’s greater since it’s legal.

  2. Opiod addiction in the heartland is no accident. Ghettoized cities are conquered by creating dependent potheads and needle junkies. The victims were happy to get high.

    The heartland was different: the swamp had to sneak the drug habit in.

  3. The explosion of drug addiction is a symptom of a broken and depressed people that have had the rug pulled out from under them by the government. I think this was orchestrated by control freaks in DC. Trump sees this for what it is and is trying to undo this treachery.

  4. Looking at the high number of narcissistic power hunger people from all over the country that flock to and concentrate in W. D.C. – it’s little wonder the locals want to take a chemical escape to some place else to get a way from them.


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