Rhode Island Senate Committee Rejects Abortion-Rights Legislation – IOTW Report

Rhode Island Senate Committee Rejects Abortion-Rights Legislation

WFB: Rhode Island state legislators voted down legislation that would have protected abortion rights by enshrining the principles of Roe v.Wade in state law.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 5 to 4 on Tuesday to reject the Senate version of the legislation, which was firmly opposed by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, the Providence Journal reports. Proponents of the legislation may try to attach it to other bills in the near future.

Pro-choice and pro-life demonstrators crowded outside the hearing room, with the former chanting “shame, shame” and “vote them out,” while the latter cheered.

“I feel really happy and am thankful for all the people who showed up here,” Ana Delgado, a pro-life demonstrator, said. “As a woman, we also care about the women. The women and babies.”

Harold Metts, a Democratic state senator, opposed the legislation on biblical grounds.

“For me, it’s biblical, it’s ethical and a spiritual issue because Genesis 1:27 is clear: We are all made in God’s image and to keep a baby from being born is to rob God of the glory He deserves from that child,” Metts said.

Other senators feared the legislation could potentially allow abortions up the final two months of pregnancy.  more here

4 Comments on Rhode Island Senate Committee Rejects Abortion-Rights Legislation

  1. …interesting that it’s RI, because THEIR Federal House rep,
    David Cicilline, ALSO is championing an “Equality Act”, HR 5, that will FORCE you to accept perversion with NO religious exemption (except for Muslims, natch).

    …Seems RI just doesn’t LIKE Christians…


  2. That’s actually kind of shocking as it’s RI.

    Slightly off subject, a baby died because it’s mother’s medical charts listed her as male. Can we not at least recognize biology in the medical world? I also wouldn’t want to ever see this doctor who obviously doesn’t understand male from female.
    Also what kind of insane person impregnated a female trying to become a man? Why would a female wanting to become a male want to have vaginal sex anyway? All of this shit is too confusing for normal people.


  3. Hats off to Harold Metts, a Democratic state senator, opposed the legislation on biblical grounds.

    “For me, it’s biblical, it’s ethical and a spiritual issue because Genesis 1:27 is clear: We are all made in God’s image and to keep a baby from being born is to rob God of the glory He deserves from that child,” Metts said.

    I had never thought of it from that angle. So true.


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