AG Barr Isn’t Buying FBI’s “Spygate” Explanations – IOTW Report

AG Barr Isn’t Buying FBI’s “Spygate” Explanations

CTH: Fox News correspondent Bill Hemmer interviewed U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr in El Salvador during a visit to address the crisis on the U.S-Mexico border, MS-13, drug trafficking and human trafficking.

During the interview Bill Hemmer asked about AG Barr’s ongoing review of DOJ and FBI activity during the 2016 election.

13 Comments on AG Barr Isn’t Buying FBI’s “Spygate” Explanations

  1. @Thirdtwin – ” I have one more question before I go…”

    GREAT analogy.

    @ Fritz – yes there was LITTLE ambigueity about what he knows and does not, but that he WILL get to the bottom of … It…the Swamp

  2. Hey Tim, just as jaded as the next working forgotten man tax paying bastard, but something is happening.

    Something wonderful, something we have not seen before WILL happen, I am convinced.

    Not sure where you are coming from but I have never seen a person/prez like DJT. Brand new waters for us ALL, living in a Brave New 1984 World.

    2010: Odyssey Two

    Go back and watch this GREAT sequel!

  3. “I’d like to buy an indictment, Pat, but I’m not holding out hope until I see federal agents perp-walk a number of ‘rats to the hall of justice.”


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