Democrats Unanimous As House Passes Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete In Girls’ Sports – IOTW Report

Democrats Unanimous As House Passes Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete In Girls’ Sports

Bye bye, women. You’re on your way to athletic extinction because you wanted to be woke.

Wake up to this reality – a mediocre male athlete will beat a top level woman in just about any sport.

Karsten Braasch vs. the Williams sisters

Another event dubbed a “Battle of the Sexes” took place during the 1998 Australian Open[56] between Karsten Braaschand the Williams sistersVenus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world’s top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as “a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice cold lager“.[57][56] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[58] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. With a broken wrist and a badly sprained ankle following a bar brawl he first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[59]Braasch said afterwards, “500 and above, no chance”. He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game “fun”[60] and that the big difference was that men can chase down shots much easier and put spin on the ball that female players can’t handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.[56]


The Political Insider-

Three former elite female athletes, Doriane Coleman, Martina Navratilova and Sanya Richards-Ross, warned that the Equality Act would wreak havoc on women’s sports in an April 29 Washington Post op-ed.

“The legislation would make it unlawful to differentiate among girls and women in sports on the basis of sex for any purpose. For example, a sports team couldn’t treat a transgender woman differently from a woman who is not transgender on the grounds that the former is male-bodied,” the former athletes wrote.

“Yet the reality is that putting male- and female-bodied athletes together is co-ed or open sport. And in open sport, females lose,” the three women warned.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, insisted the bill wouldn’t put female athletes at a disadvantage.

“Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports. Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out,” Nadler said at a April 2 hearing on the bill.

In Connecticut, one of the states to which Nadler was referring, two male runners have dominated girls’ high school track. A female competitor called the male runners’ advantage “demoralizing.”



How come there are no women who think they’re men fighting for the right to get into a boxing ring with Floyd Mayweather?

31 Comments on Democrats Unanimous As House Passes Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete In Girls’ Sports

  1. C.S. Lewis, I believe it was, wrote a book called THE ABOLITION OF MAN. This perversion is along the same lines, if in a totally different direction…the abolition of MEN.

    On top of the basic perverseness of sinful human nature, this is designed to give women one more reason to hate men as a group, further eroding the family and society and that is going to be the result.

    But it won’t be the leftist engineers and their sodomite tools pushing for this to happen that will be blamed, it will be testosterone, which = perfectly natural men held at fault. ALL men.

  2. I wonder if this might affect their heavy support for Democrats they seem to have from women?

    They want equal treatment with men and this gives it to them, so maybe not.

    Fair is fair, after all.

  3. “I wonder if this might affect their heavy support for Democrats they seem to have from women?”

    Anonymous, Democrat women will wear hijabs, endorse wife-beating, condone genital mutilation and kill their babies for the Democrat party. They will accept this latest indignity with ease.

  4. People in the public eye are subject to sway from vocal radicals. They may vote for something they don’t believe in just out of fear of reprisal if they don’t.
    Voters, on the other hand, generally vote the way they want without fear of reprisal.
    Just sayin’ – if you campaign on ‘PC’ positions you may be surprised.

  5. Nadler’s an asshole and the next election could see him bounced out unless he decides to retire first in which case he’ll be at his most dangerous and will need to be monitored.

    If girls were smart about this then every girl should quit whatever sport they were in (high school, college, university,professional0. If they have a university ride on an athletic scholarship then she should threaten the University with a lawsuit if they try to pull the scholarship. I know this would never happen but it would only take about six months for a boycott along with daily demonstrations on the hill to have the dems double back and come up with some sort of bullshit reason that blames Trump for the first vote.

  6. I do not want to hear Republicans are waging a war on women ever again. This clown party of lunatics should be lucky to get 20% of the vote let alone half the country. Clearly mental illness wins again.

  7. If the some of the democrats who voted for this are not the simple minded clowns who intentionally came up with this nonsense, then they were scared shitless to vote against it. So….they are for sure simply plain evil, delusional or cowardly excuses for human beings. I don’t believe there are any other types.

  8. Some days I am forced to wonder if I have lost touch with reality and I am just a minor observer character in a political satire in which most of the so-called leadership characters are insane degenerate lunatics.

    Or maybe it’s just fulfillment of biblical prophesy about people being turned over to a depraved mind.

  9. Why doesn’t the NBA show what equality is like? Let women play on the teams. What are they, misogynists? OK well a lot of them are, but for different reasons.

    Is the WNBA still around?

    How about you guys, Major League Baseball?
    Let’s start in NY and CA. Because they’re super duper progressive, aren’t they?

    We’re waaaaitiiiiiing…

  10. The public education system is overseen by each State and should not be governed by the federal government’s interference. At least as written into the Constitution. It seems that this could be taken to court if the locale in the State wanted to. The problem being the liberal Communists that control so many states and agree with the Communist run Congress.

  11. Just my opinion, but I never thought they should have started allowing girls in HS to play on football teams and once asked, “what if they start allowing boys to play on the girls softball team or basketball team.” I was told that would never happen, boys had their own teams.

    Then they started with the transgender bullshit and I said before long they’ll be demanding to use the girls’ bathroom and then boys will identify as girls just to sneak a peak. Was told I was crazy, that would never happen.

    Well now it all happens, it’s just the boys are dressing as girls to play girls’ sports.

    Equality is not always what you think equality is. Do I feel sorry for them? Not really, you reap what you sow. Pull your head out of your ass and get off the liberal plantation and face the facts, men and women are different and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.

  12. What’s really amazing is that ALL the Democrats voted for this. ALL OF THEM!

    They’re ALL off their rockers! This is a YUGE campaign issue, Mr. President. Take it.

  13. When you piss in the face of G-d — there WILL be a focusing of accounts. There will always be a focusing of accounts, but…

    Get the word out. G-d is good. G-d is merciful. G-d is omnipotent. G-d can also be indignant. Furious anger is but a drip in the ocean of what they will reap.

    You will not piss in G-d’s face with impunity.

  14. Why is it that when archeologist uncover an ancient burial site they are able to determine that the person buried is either MALE or FEMALE…not one of the other many genders the fuckin’ democRATS have made up?

  15. So how does this affect women owned businesses? Can I now claim to be a women owned business? If I show up to work with a bottle of Pamprin am I qualified as a women?

  16. Now, ask yourselves:
    “What has the Federal Government to do with school sports?”
    “What has the Federal Government to do with promoting perversion?”
    “What has the Federal Government to do with disseminating absurdities?”

    Look THOSE up in your Constitution!
    At MINIMUM this is an extra-Constitutional overreach.
    At MAXIMUM this is an assault on our Republic (Treason) – an effort to undermine society, prudence, and amity by sowing divisiveness, suspicion, and hatred.

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. There needs to be one additional amendment to the bill Anyone who voted for this bill and it becomes law MUST be held CIVILLY and CRIMINALLY for any injury both physical and psychological harm caused by the bill


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