Leftist Nutball Has Eye On Prize For Being the Most Factually Inaccurate, Hyperbolic Race-Baiting Gasbag – IOTW Report

Leftist Nutball Has Eye On Prize For Being the Most Factually Inaccurate, Hyperbolic Race-Baiting Gasbag

Political Insider-

“Racism against black Americans is entrenched in the enslavement of our African ancestors and has manifested in our nation’s institutions and policies,” Pressley insisted.

“And despite the progress we have made as a country, black Americans are still treated as second-class citizens, disproportionately targeted for: driving while black, walking while black, lunching while black, organizing while being black, literally existing while black,” she said.

Pressley made this claim as a black member of Congress.


17 Comments on Leftist Nutball Has Eye On Prize For Being the Most Factually Inaccurate, Hyperbolic Race-Baiting Gasbag

  1. You go gurrrl!!! Now go tell those white democrat women and men running for ’20 that they should drop out! Even that Kamala woman. She ain’t aaaaall Black, she’s half Indian. (They have the ‘good’ hair. *nods head*)

    Nancy. You better pick up your phone, girl! lol

  2. “Racism against black Americans is entrenched in the enslavement of our African ancestors and has manifested in our nation’s institutions and policies…”

    Blah, blah, blah.

  3. Of course those rap songs about the gangsta lifestyle or the fact that black commit a disproportionate amount of crimes has nothing to do with why young black men have more contacts with police than other groups.

    While blacks are incarcerated at a disproportionate rate compared to their percentage of the population, they are not incarcerated at a rate disproportionate to the rate at which they commit crimes.

    Canadian disgrace Justin Trudeau spoke of how his brother got out of an arrest because he was white. Being white had nothing to do with it. It was because Justin’s brother was the son of a powerful, liberal politician. To suggest otherwise is dishonest to say the least. My son would have been in jail under the same circumstances. Donald Trump would be in prison had he done one tenth of the things Hillary Clinton has done. Yes there is elitism, and it is practiced by the left way more often than it is practiced by the right.

  4. “…entrenched in the enslavement of our African ancestors…”.

    Unintrenched since 1865, if my reading of history is correct. Why do some of these (not all of course) black leaders keep harping about that? Because, reparations, that’s why.

  5. “And despite the progress we have made as a country…”

    And what “progress” might that be? To read the rest of her grievance, none at all.

    “Gas bag” is right! Do these people EVER (EVER!) stop to reflect on their own bigotry toward black Americans? EVER?

  6. She be bizzy keepin’ duh bruthas ‘n’ sistuhs down own de plantation wif de bess uhv ’em…

    ‘Bout 750,000 wahr ded whahytes in de 1860s ain’ near ’nuff!

  7. Since I am sure she has no problem with the FBI surveilling “White supremists”, maybe the FBI should change “black extremists “ to “Black supremists”. Would THAT make her happy?

  8. Keep your head in the sand, you rat. You are more likely to be raped, robbed, killed, or bombed by the rats you are crying over than some white farmer like me.

    Intolerance, hate, and bigotry is your mantra, not mine.

  9. Blacks have it better in USA
    than any country in Africa.
    13% of Pop. with 18% of Fed. employees
    and more black millionaires than ALL other
    countries combined.

  10. “Racism against black Americans is entrenched in the enslavement of our African ancestors and has manifested in our nation’s institutions and policies,”

    Yeah, like when they were freed and Dems came up with gun laws because they knew they deserved to be shot for what they STILL wanted to do to blacks. Gun laws were always designed to control unwanted populations. Dems took the gun laws from Germany made to control Jews and copied them almost verbatim.

    Just the first few minutes of the following videos are filled with enough to open your eyes to some of the truths within.

    No guns for negroes Pt1

    No guns for negroes Pt2

    I bookmarked JFPO for material and facts on the subject.

    Like this chart illustrating how many people died from gun control last century:



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