‘Friend’ of Bill de Blasio Questions His Presidential Bid – IOTW Report

‘Friend’ of Bill de Blasio Questions His Presidential Bid

WFB: Add Democratic attorney general Letitia James to the long list of New Yorkers—and Americans—who don’t understand why Mayor Bill de Blasio (D.) is running for president.

De Blasio became the 23rd or 24th Democrat, depending on the count, to join the field on Thursday with a video about putting “Working People First.” Part of the announcement showed him being chauffeured around New York City in his limousine.

Asked about her excitement level at the idea of his White House bid, James playfully didn’t respond at first in front of a Brooklyn audience. She instead waved at the laughing crowd before answering “Pod Save America” host Tommy Vietor.

“Seriously, listen, we need a mayor who’s going to be on the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” she said, before leading a call-and-response with the crowd asking if issues like affordable housing, environmental issues, and income equality had been addressed. “No!” they shouted.

“So what is the legacy? What are you running on?” she asked. “Has school segregation been addressed? So all of these issues and more—obviously, listen, he can run, he’s the 23rd candidate, I understand that, but the question is why? Por que? Like, what’s up?”

“But he’s a friend,” she added, drawing more laughs.

She’s hardly alone. A recent poll showed 76 percent of New Yorkers didn’t want de Blasio to run for president.  more

3 Comments on ‘Friend’ of Bill de Blasio Questions His Presidential Bid

  1. he probably is motivated by wanting to get control of a possible 30 billion dollars for commuter tunnel reconstruction. He could direct that to his friends.
    Where is the 850 million dollars his wife can’t account for? And he wants to be president?
    If our dear President Trump weren’t the age that he is, I’d like to see him be mayor of nyc after his second term. He could fix that place.


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