Women, Who I Can Guarantee Are Leftists, Pushed Aside in NYC’s DOE For Being White – IOTW Report

Women, Who I Can Guarantee Are Leftists, Pushed Aside in NYC’s DOE For Being White


Suck on your own ideology and let me know how it tastes, you dumb bints.

It’s women who largely cause this country to lurch left because of their “feelings over thinking” voting patterns. So now one of their own creations has decided that “whiteness” is toxic, and he’s demoted them.

Now they want to sue.


Pass the popcorn.


The New York Post reports that at least four top executives of the city’s Department of Education (DOE) have been demoted or stripped of responsibilities amidst “an environment which is hostile to whites.” The four women, who are white, veteran administrators, are filing suit against the city, claiming they were pushed aside for less qualified people of color.

Whiteness has become toxic under Richard Carranza, the schools chancellor, according to the Post article.

“These decisions are being made because DOE leadership believes that skin color plays a role in how to get equity — that white people can’t convey the message. There’s a toxic whiteness concept going on,” said a source who is in the know about the complaints.

Sources say that under Carranza’s leadership, whites are often being told they must “give up power or lose responsibilities, no matter how well they have performed.”

More than 12 high-ranking superintendents and deputies who had served under the previous chancellor, Carmen Fariña, have been demoted … some with significant pay cuts … or have been pressured into retirement, sources say. Still, others have reduced duties and work under new bosses.



33 Comments on Women, Who I Can Guarantee Are Leftists, Pushed Aside in NYC’s DOE For Being White

  1. Every aspect of womens’ pushes for supposed equality are ruining it for them. Metoo, gender bending, abortion on demand, equal pay – all of them aren’t doing anything to hurt men and an awful lot to hurt women. I am sorry to see it happen, but since I can’t do anything about it and as a male I’ll just enjoy a little schadenfreude on the perpetrators mixed with a little sadness for the innocents it harms.
    Racial issues are a little tougher, because when I see a minority I may question his or her qualifications. I want to believe they are every bit as capable, but if the system offers opportunities to less qualified people based upon minority status I can’t be sure.

  2. I’ve been watching the PGA golf tournament this weekend. They keep playing a PGA promo about their program that seeks out minorities and women to be a part of golf in management positions.
    What do “people of color” bring to golf that whites can’t?
    Blacks dominate enough sports and most don’t give a damn about golf, regardless of Tiger’s popularity.
    Why go out of your way to ruin a sport?

  3. How does it go– A leftist is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet.

    Now that, at least the white ones, are getting mugged, let’s queue up the laugh tracks. Popcorn suggested.

  4. In the department of “Things I Don’t Trust” DeBlasshole iz right up there with: Michael Jackson’s Doctor, Brian Williams, Winning the Nigerian lottery, Lucas Electric, Michael Moore with doughnuts, Bernie Madoff with my money, John Kerry’s war record, Kool Aid at a Jim Jones party, a mosquito at Magic Johnson’s barbecue, a prostate exam from Captain Hook, the Heimlich Maneuver from Barney Fwank, Gas station Sushi and a fart after a Mexican vacation!

  5. “All us beautiful, intelligentt iotw ladies vote with our brains. Just reminding you guys.”

    None of us here ever thought otherwise. You’re here, aren’t you?

  6. I’m watching “To Kill a Mockingbird” on TMC, and wondering how long it will be before this classic is shitcanned by the DOE and the new liberal progresives

  7. @Thirdtwin
    MAY 19, 2019 AT 5:39 PM

    And looking at that photograph, it looks like West Point relaxed it’s physical fitness standards along with its academic standards in order to get their black female numbers up. Nothing will destroy military readiness like an affirmative action officer corps. Even with Trump as CIC, the Clinton/Bush/Obama swamp just keeps rolling along.

  8. Hmm. As a white male I was denied scholarships, jobs, and one time help feeding my family when I was crippled in the 80s, solely based on my race and gender “You’re a white guy! Go get a job!” This is for black people” – said in a sassy black way. And she hung up. This was the official desk for applying for assistance in Dallas.

    Wow! I couldn’t deny the blatant racism and hate of whites any more. I give no quarter to people who deny it happens.

    I don’t give two sh*ts about leftists feeling the pain. It’s the only way to change their hearts and wake them up.

    My ex was ALL Trump after voting Dem all her life because she got the SJW treatment at a school she was teaching when ONE photo in her presentation was of a black man. Just a photo of a black man. Nothing more than that.

    SJW saw an opportunity to cause a problem and gave it all she got.

    Ex was pretty shook up over the complete insanity of it all. The school checked everything out and sided with her, but she’s voting anti-SJW from now on. She was pro Trump before I was. lol

    Turning the table is super effective in this way.

    Eat it, lefties. Feel the burn until your eyes open up all the way.

  9. Rev King is rolling in his grave right now

    “Wait! Wait!Wait a minute here! You mean to tell me I have this nation’s greatest civil rights speech ever and these Democrat Party idiots are basing their employment decisions on RACE?! Why the hell can’t they understand the part where i said ‘i want to be judged by the content of my character (merit) and not judged by the color of my skin (affirmative action)’?? I’ll kick Jesse Jackson’s ass!!”

  10. Rev King is rolling in his grave right now

    “Wait! Wait!Wait a minute here! You mean to tell me I gave this nation’s greatest civil rights speech ever and these Democrat Party idiots are basing their employment decisions on RACE?! Why the hell can’t they understand the part where i said ‘i want to be judged by the content of my character (merit) and not judged by the color of my skin (affirmative action)’?? I’ll kick Jesse Jackson’s ass!!”

  11. BFH MAY 19, 2019 AT 8:59 PM

    We revere the conservative woman. There isn’t anything better in the world.

    Speaking as one of those conservative women, women have just about destroyed this country. No, not us, but the majority who have outnumbered us for a long time. Even Republican women often vote for the best looking instead of the best for the job. The problem is women have raised so many pansy men now that we’re all screwed.
    Call it racist, sexist, whatever you want to call it, but I believe our founding Fathers knew what would happen when you allowed women and non-land owners vote.
    Also, Hillary and her stupid comments of how men tell women how to vote is bs, I couldn’t tell you how many husbands I know who go off to the polls with their list their wives gave them.

    Yeah, I dislike the majority who are the same sex as me, because they’re too damn stupid to listen to anything.

  12. I remember a co-worker saying, “I didn’t give a shit about golf until (he named a black golfer).”

    I thought, “That’s rather shallow…”

    Then another co-worker, who was the Head of Operations at ABC said, “I voted for Obama because he’s black”.

    He had no idea what he just said. His blatant imbecile honesty was both endearing and rancid at the same time. I liked him, but I couldn’t trust him. RIP Glenwood. I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you… but you were a decent bloke, and I’d rather you were still on this earth than not.

  13. To enter “The Point” one needs (needed) a recommendation from a person of stature. Looks like, from that photo, Stan Johnson (GA), Maxine Waters (CA), Elijah Cummings (OZ), Shelia Jackson Lee (AZ),and The Congressional Black Caucus, grabbed the Commendant by the balls and he scqueeled. I personally know of two white male young men who were turned down by West Point and Annapolis, because the were white males. Even though they were both top notch atheletes and academics , but Irish and Italian.
    I swear, that if I had a child of draft age today, I would send him out of country, if our government wanted to send him overseas to war. That photo of those 39, mostly fat,cadets, makes me sick.
    Flaunting their Bullshit, instead of standing at attention.

  14. “Put a white crazy transvestite in there to really destroy the DOE.”

    Wisconsin had one of those heading the DPI. He’s governor now. Wisconsin’s as messed up as New York.


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