When There’s Only One Roll Left – IOTW Report

When There’s Only One Roll Left

10 Comments on When There’s Only One Roll Left

  1. Many years ago I went out for a meal with a friend. The waiter brought 3 rolls to the table. We discussed why in the world he would have brought 3 rolls since there were 2 of us, and finally asked him. He said the rule was to bring one extra. None of us had any idea why.
    If you like the rolls ask for more. Duh.
    Also stop eating so many carbs. 😉

  2. Kind of like when someone is overly courteous at a 4-way stop sign and other traffic hindering “niceness”. “I’m going to let everyone go before me before I take my turn. Aren’t the nicest person ever? I’m SO giving!”.

    No. Not really. Think how it would look if everyone was like you. No one ever get anywhere.

    Take your turn when you should, dammit. Eat that last roll and call it not being wasteful, if you need to feel good about it. Take the carb hit for the team.

  3. Mmmm … rolls …

    this is a big fukkin deal!
    I de eat all of them and Jill can suck eggs!

    only wun think bettern i-scrreem ………. rolls ……..an …. donuts …….

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