Article III Project advocacy group will ‘punch back’ to protect Trump’s judicial nominees – IOTW Report

Article III Project advocacy group will ‘punch back’ to protect Trump’s judicial nominees

Daily Caller: A new conservative advocacy group called the Article III Project (A3P) launched Saturday, promising to promote and defend President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees at the confirmation stage and after they take the bench.

The Article III Project is the latest addition to the GOP’s formidable judicial confirmation architecture, which significantly outpaces its leftwing counterparts.

“A3P will punch back and help confirm President Trump’s judicial nominees, defend these new judges from left-wing attacks once confirmed, defend the integrity of the confirmation process, and fight back against the assaults on judicial independence — including radical court-packing, term-limit, and even impeachment schemes,” A3P president Mike Davis said in a statement announcing the group’s launch.

Davis led a volunteer team that helped guide Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. After a short stint in the Gorsuch chambers, Davis joined the Senate Judiciary Committee as chief counsel for nominations, where he served through Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s contentious confirmation.

His determined professional efforts match a pugnacious social media presence. In recent weeks Davis has traded barbs with Michael Avenatti, the celebrity litigator and Trump antagonist who represented Kavanaugh-accuser Julie Swetnick. GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa referred Avenatti and Swetnick to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, suggesting the pair made false statements to Congress.  more here